PHP code example of tuupola / instrument-middleware

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tuupola/instrument-middleware library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tuupola / instrument-middleware example snippets

$app->get("/", function ($request, $response, $arguments) {
    return $response->write("Here be dragons...\n");

$app->get("/hello/{name}", function ($request, $response, $arguments) {
    return $response->write("Hello {$arguments['name']}!\n");

$app->add(new Instrument\Middleware([
    "instrument" => $instrument,
    "tags" => ["host" => "localhost", "method" => "XXX"]

$app->add(new Instrument\Middleware([
    "instrument" => $instrument,
    "tags" => function ($request, $response) {
        return ["host" => "localhost", "method" => "XXX"];

$app->add(new Instrument\Middleware([
    "instrument" => $instrument,
    "measurement" = "api",
    "bootstrap" = "startup",
    "process" = "execution",
    "total" = "all",
    "memory" = "mem",
    "status" = "code",
    "route" = "uri",
    "method" = "verb"

$app->add(new Instrument\Middleware([
    "instrument" => $instrument,
    "measurement" = "api",
    "bootstrap" = "startup",
    "process" = false,
    "total" = "total",
    "memory" = false,
    "status" = false,
    "route" = false,
    "method" = false

$app->get("/manual", function ($request, $response, $arguments) {
    $timing = $this->instrument->timing("instrument");
    /* Some expensive database queries. */
    return $response->write("Manually adding additional data...\n");
pp = new \Slim\App;
$container = $app->getContainer();

$container["influxdb"] = function ($container) {
    return InfluxDB\Client::fromDSN("http+influxdb://foo:bar@localhost:8086/instrument");

$container["instrument"] = function ($container) {
    return new Instrument\Instrument([
        "adapter" => new Instrument\Adapter\InfluxDB($container["influxdb"]),
        "transformer" => new Instrument\Transformer\InfluxDB

$container["instrumentMiddleware"] = function ($container) {
    return new Instrument\Middleware([
        "instrument" => $container["instrument"]
