PHP code example of turbo124 / predis

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download turbo124/predis library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


turbo124 / predis example snippets

// Prepend a base path if Predis is not available in your "include_path".

$client = new Predis\Client();
$client->set('foo', 'bar');
$value = $client->get('foo');

// Parameters passed using a named array:
$client = new Predis\Client([
    'scheme' => 'tcp',
    'host'   => '',
    'port'   => 6379,

// Same set of parameters, passed using an URI string:
$client = new Predis\Client('tcp://');

$client = new Predis\Client(['scheme' => 'unix', 'path' => '/path/to/redis.sock']);
$client = new Predis\Client('unix:/path/to/redis.sock');

// Named array of connection parameters:
$client = new Predis\Client([
  'scheme' => 'tls',
  'ssl'    => ['cafile' => 'private.pem', 'verify_peer' => true],

// Same set of parameters, but using an URI string:
$client = new Predis\Client('tls://[cafile]=private.pem&ssl[verify_peer]=1');

$client = new Predis\Client([
    'tcp://', ['host' => '', 'alias' => 'second-node'],
], [
    'cluster' => 'predis',

$client = new Predis\Client($parameters, ['prefix' => 'sample:']);

$parameters = ['tcp://', 'tcp://', 'tcp://'];
$options    = ['cluster' => 'predis'];

$client = new Predis\Client($parameters);

$parameters = ['tcp://', 'tcp://', 'tcp://'];
$options    = ['cluster' => 'redis'];

$client = new Predis\Client($parameters, $options);

$parameters = ['tcp://', 'tcp://', 'tcp://'];
$options    = ['replication' => 'predis'];

$client = new Predis\Client($parameters, $options);

$sentinels = ['tcp://', 'tcp://', 'tcp://'];
$options   = ['replication' => 'sentinel', 'service' => 'mymaster'];

$client = new Predis\Client($sentinels, $options);

$options = [
    'replication' => 'sentinel',
    'service' => 'mymaster',
    'parameters' => [
        'password' => $secretpassword,
        'database' => 10,

$parameters = ['tcp://', 'tcp://', 'tcp://'];
$options    = ['replication' => function () {
    // Set scripts that won't trigger a switch from a slave to the master node.
    $strategy = new Predis\Replication\ReplicationStrategy();

    return new Predis\Connection\Replication\MasterSlaveReplication($strategy);

$client = new Predis\Client($parameters, $options);
$client->eval($LUA_SCRIPT, 0);             // Sticks to slave using `eval`...
$client->evalsha(sha1($LUA_SCRIPT), 0);    // ... and `evalsha`, too.

// Executes a pipeline inside the given callable block:
$responses = $client->pipeline(function ($pipe) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
        $pipe->set("key:$i", str_pad($i, 4, '0', 0));

// Returns a pipeline that can be chained thanks to its fluent interface:
$responses = $client->pipeline()->set('foo', 'bar')->get('foo')->execute();

// Executes a transaction inside the given callable block:
$responses = $client->transaction(function ($tx) {
    $tx->set('foo', 'bar');

// Returns a transaction that can be chained thanks to its fluent interface:
$responses = $client->transaction()->set('foo', 'bar')->get('foo')->execute();

// Define a new command by extending Predis\Command\Command:
class BrandNewRedisCommand extends Predis\Command\Command
    public function getId()
        return 'NEWCMD';

// Inject your command in the current command factory:
$client = new Predis\Client($parameters, [
    'commands' => [
        'newcmd' => 'BrandNewRedisCommand',

$response = $client->newcmd();

$response = $client->executeRaw(['SET', 'foo', 'bar']);

// Define a new script command by extending Predis\Command\ScriptCommand:
class ListPushRandomValue extends Predis\Command\ScriptCommand
    public function getKeysCount()
        return 1;

    public function getScript()
        return <<<LUA
local rnd = tostring(math.random())'lpush', KEYS[1], rnd)
return rnd

// Inject the script command in the current command factory:
$client = new Predis\Client($parameters, [
    'commands' => [
        'lpushrand' => 'ListPushRandomValue',

$response = $client->lpushrand('random_values', $seed = mt_rand());

$client = new Predis\Client('tcp://', [
    'connections' => 'relay',

class MyConnectionClass implements Predis\Connection\NodeConnectionInterface
    // Implementation goes here...

// Use MyConnectionClass to handle connections for the `tcp` scheme:
$client = new Predis\Client('tcp://', [
    'connections' => ['tcp' => 'MyConnectionClass'],