PHP code example of tueena-lib / sql

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tueena-lib/sql library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tueena-lib / sql example snippets

namespace tueenaLib\sql;

// Initialisation
$driver = new MySqlDriver('localhost', 'root', 'myPasswd', 'myDatabase', 3306);
$sql = new Sql($driver);

// Usage

// INSERT with prepared statement (works also with UPDATEs, SELECTs and DELETEs).
$preparedStatement = new PreparedStatement('INSERT into testtable (foo, bar) VALUES (:foo, :bar)');
$sql->insertWithPreparedStatement($preparedStatement, ['foo' => 'value1', 'bar' => 'value2']);

$result = $sql->insertWithPreparedStatement($preparedStatement, ['foo' => 'value2', 'bar' => 'value3']);
$affectedRows = $result->getNumAffectedRows();
$lastInsertId = $result->getLastInsertId(); // Works only for INSERT queries, of course.

// Transactions
$transaction = $sql->beginTransaction();
// UPDATE without prepared statement (like SELECTs, INSERTs and DELETEs)
	'UPDATE testtable SET foo = :foo WHERE id = :id',
		'foo' => 'value4',
		'id' => 1
	$transaction // pass in the transaction object.
$sql->rollBack($transaction); // or use Sql::commit($transaction)

$result = $sql->select('SELECT * FROM testtable');
$numRows = $result->getNumRows();
$row1 = $result->fetchAssoc(); // associative array
$row2 = $result->fetchNumeric(); // numeric array
$row3 = $result->fetchNumeric(); // returns null if there is no more row.