PHP code example of ttskch / doctrine-orm-criteria
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ttskch/doctrine-orm-criteria library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
ttskch / doctrine-orm-criteria example snippets
$qb = (new CriteriaAwareness($fooRepository->createQueryBuilder('f')))
->addCriteria(new IsPublic(), 'f')
->addCriteria(new IsAccessibleBy($user), 'f')
->addCriteria(new CategoryIs($category), 'f')
->addCriteria(new OrderByRandom(), 'f')
$foos = $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
// Or, using the Repository integration:
$foos = $fooRepository->findByCriteria([
new IsPublic(),
new IsAccessibleBy($user),
new CategoryIs($category),
new OrderByRandom(),
final readonly class IsPublic implements CriteriaInterface
public ?\DateTimeInterface $at;
public function __construct(?\DateTimeInterface $at = null)
$this->at = $at ?? new \DateTimeImmutable();
public function apply(QueryBuilder $qb, string $alias): void
->andWhere("$alias.state = :state")
"$alias.openedAt IS NULL",
"$alias.openedAt <= :at",
"$alias.closedAt IS NULL",
"$alias.closedAt > :at",
->setParameter('state', Foo::STATE_PUBLIC)
->setParameter('at', $this->at)
use App\Repository\Criteria\Foo\IsPublic;
use Ttskch\DoctrineOrmCriteria\CriteriaAwareness;
$qb = (new CriteriaAwareness($fooRepository->createQueryBuilder('f')))
->addCriteria(new IsPublic(), 'f')
namespace App\Repository\Criteria\Foo;
final readonly class IsPublic implements CriteriaInterface
public ?\DateTimeInterface $at;
public function __construct(?\DateTimeInterface $at = null)
$this->at = $at ?? new \DateTimeImmutable();
public function apply(QueryBuilder $qb, string $alias): void
->andWhere("$alias.state = :state")
"$alias.openedAt IS NULL",
"$alias.openedAt <= :at",
"$alias.closedAt IS NULL",
"$alias.closedAt > :at",
->setParameter('state', Foo::STATE_PUBLIC)
->setParameter('at', $this->at)
namespace App\Repository\Criteria\Foo;
use App\Entity\User;
use Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder;
use Ttskch\DoctrineOrmCriteria\Criteria\CriteriaInterface;
use Ttskch\DoctrineOrmCriteria\Criteria\Andx;
use Ttskch\DoctrineOrmCriteria\Criteria\Orx;
final readonly class IsViewable implements CriteriaInterface
public ?\DateTimeInterface $at;
public function __construct(
public User $me,
?\DateTimeInterface $at = null,
) {
$this->at = $at ?? new \DateTimeImmutable();
public function apply(QueryBuilder $qb, string $alias): void
(new Andx([
new Orx([
new IsPublic($this->at),
...array_map(fn (string $category) => new CategoryIs($category), Foo::PUBLIC_CATEGORIES),
new IsAccessibleBy($this->me),
]))->apply($qb, $alias);
namespace App\Repository\Criteria\Foo;
use App\Entity\User;
use Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder;
use Ttskch\DoctrineOrmCriteria\Criteria\CriteriaInterface;
use Ttskch\DoctrineOrmCriteria\Criteria\Traits\JoinTrait;
final readonly class IsAccessibleBy implements CriteriaInterface
use JoinTrait;
private const string CRITERIA_KEY = 'Foo_IsAccessibleBy'; // some unique key
public function __construct(public User $me)
public function apply(QueryBuilder $qb, string $alias): void
$userAlias = sprintf('%s_%s_user', self::CRITERIA_KEY, $alias);
$this->leftJoin($qb, sprintf('%s.user', $alias), $userAlias);
->andWhere(sprintf('%s = :user', $userAlias))
->setParameter('user', $this->me)
$foos = $fooRepository->findByCriteria([
new IsPublic(),
new IsAccessibleBy($user),
new CategoryIs($category),
new OrderByRandom(),
\PHPStan\dumpType($foos); // Dumped type: array<App\Entity\Foo>
$foo = $fooRepository->findOneByCriteria([
new IsPublic(),
new IsAccessibleBy($user),
new CategoryIs($category),
new OrderByRandom(),
\PHPStan\dumpType($foo); // Dumped type: App\Entity\Foo|null
$count = $fooRepository->countByCriteria([
new IsPublic(),
new IsAccessibleBy($user),
new CategoryIs($category),
\PHPStan\dumpType($count); // Dumped type: int
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