PHP code example of tseweb / php-pwpolicy

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tseweb/php-pwpolicy library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tseweb / php-pwpolicy example snippets

$pwp = new TSEWEB\PasswordPolicy();

// Set the minimum password length

// Require at least 1 uppercase letter

// Require at least 1 lowercase letter

// Require at least 1 number

// Require at least 1 symbol

// Require at least 1 number or symbol that is not
// the first or last character of the password

// Do not allow letters only

// Do not allow numbers only

// Do not allow consecutive lowercase letters
// E.g. 'foobar' is not allowed, but 'FoObAr' is

// Do not allow consecutive uppercase letters
// E.g. 'FOOBAR' is not allowed, but 'FoObAr' is

// Do not allow consecutive numbers
// E.g. 'example564' is not allowed, but '5ex6ample4' is 

// Do not allow repeated characters
// E.g. 'foobar' is not allowed, but 'fozbar' is

// Do not allow sequential letters
// E.g. 'SampleAbC' is not allowed, but 'ASampleBC' is
// E.g. 'SampleCbA' is not allowed, but 'ASampleCB' is

// Do not allow sequential numbers
// E.g. 'Sample123' is not allowed, but '1Sample23' is
// E.g. 'Sample654' is not allowed, but '6Sample54' is

// Do not allow sequential symbols
// E.g. 'Sample&é"' is not allowed, but '&Sampleé"' is

// Require a minimum score
// The score is based on various variables, e.g. password length,
// the use of letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, symbols,
// if the password contains a common used password, if it may be a word
// and a number, the estimated time to brute force the password, ...

// Require a minimum complexity
// The complexity is based on the score of the password
// Valid complexities are:

// Require a minimum time to brute force the password
// A well built computer can try up to 4*10^9 passwords per second.
// When using a slow hashing method you can change the keys per second to
// a low number, e.g. 100 per second.

// Do not allow commonly used passwords (top 10000)

// Validate a password against the set policy
$validOrFails = $pwp->validate('testing');
if ($validOrFails===true) {
	// Password meets the