PHP code example of trunglv / ruler

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download trunglv/ruler library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


trunglv / ruler example snippets

$ruler = new Hoa\Ruler\Ruler();

// 1. Write a rule.
$rule  = 'group in ["customer", "guest"] and points > 30';

// 2. Create a context.
$context           = new Hoa\Ruler\Context();
$context['group']  = 'customer';
$context['points'] = function () {
    return 42;

// 3. Assert!
    $ruler->assert($rule, $context)

 * Will output:
 *     bool(true)

// The User object.
class User
    const DISCONNECTED = 0;
    const CONNECTED    = 1;

    public $group      = 'customer';
    public $points     = 42;
    protected $_status = 1;

    public function getStatus()
        return $this->_status;

$ruler = new Hoa\Ruler\Ruler();

// New rule.
$rule  = 'logged(user) and group in ["customer", "guest"] and points > 30';

// New context.
$context         = new Hoa\Ruler\Context();
$context['user'] = function () use ($context) {
    $user              = new User();
    $context['group']  = $user->group;
    $context['points'] = $user->points;

    return $user;

// We add the logged() operator.
$ruler->getDefaultAsserter()->setOperator('logged', function (User $user) {
    return $user::CONNECTED === $user->getStatus();

// Finally, we assert the rule.
    $ruler->assert($rule, $context)

 * Will output:
 *     bool(true)

            'logged(user) and group in ["customer", "guest"] and points > 30'

$rule = unserialize($database->read());
    $ruler->assert($rule, $context)

echo Hoa\Ruler\Ruler::interpret(
    'logged(user) and group in ["customer", "guest"] and points > 30'

 * Will output:
 *     $model = new \Hoa\Ruler\Model();
 *     $model->expression =
 *         $model->and(
 *             $model->func(
 *                 'logged',
 *                 $model->variable('user')
 *             ),
 *             $model->and(
 *                 $model->in(
 *                     $model->variable('group'),
 *                     [
 *                         'customer',
 *                         'guest'
 *                     ]
 *                 ),
 *                 $model->{'>'}(
 *                     $model->variable('points'),
 *                     30
 *                 )
 *             )
 *         );