1. Go to this page and download the library: Download truelayer/client library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
truelayer / client example snippets
$client = \TrueLayer\Client::configure()
->pemFile($pemFilePath) // Or ->pem($contents) Or ->pemBase64($contents)
$client = \TrueLayer\Client::configure()
->useProduction() // optionally, pass a boolean flag to toggle between production/sandbox mode.
// If the merchant account id is known:
$beneficiary = $client->beneficiary()->merchantAccount()
// Alternatively you can retrieve merchant accounts and use one of them directly:
$merchantAccounts = $client->getMerchantAccounts();
// Select the merchant account you need...
$merchantAccount = $merchantAccounts[0];
$beneficiary = $client->beneficiary()->merchantAccount($merchantAccount);
use TrueLayer\Constants\UserPoliticalExposures;
$user = $client->user()
->name('Jane Doe')
->email('[email protected]')
// You can also set the user's political exposure field if you need to
use TrueLayer\Constants\Countries;
use TrueLayer\Constants\CustomerSegments;
use TrueLayer\Constants\ReleaseChannels;
// You can filter the providers that will be returned:
$filter = $client->providerFilter()
->countries([Countries::GB, Countries::ES])
->customerSegments([CustomerSegments::RETAIL, CustomerSegments::CORPORATE])
// You can also filter providers by the schemes they support:
$schemeSelection = $client->schemeSelection()->userSelected(); // Let the user select. You must provide your own UI for this.
$schemeSelection = $client->schemeSelection()->instantOnly(); // Only allow providers that support instant payments
$schemeSelection = $client->schemeSelection()->instantPreferred(); // Prefer providers that allow instant payments, but allow defaulting back to non-instant payments if unavailable.
// For instant only and instant preferred, you can also allow or disallow remitter fees:
$schemeSelection->allowRemitterFee(true); // Unless explicitly set, this will default to false.
// Create the provider selection configuration
$providerSelection = $client->providerSelection()->userSelected()
// Create the payment method
$paymentMethod = $client->paymentMethod()->bankTransfer()
// Preselect the payment scheme
$schemeSelection = $client->schemeSelection()
// Preselect the provider
$providerSelection = $client->providerSelection()
// Create the payment method
$paymentMethod = $client->paymentMethod()->bankTransfer()
$payment = $client->payment()
->currency(\TrueLayer\Constants\Currencies::GBP) // You can use other currencies defined in this class.
->metadata([ // add custom key value pairs
'key' => 'value'
$payment->getId(); // The payment id
$payment->getResourceToken(); // The resource token
$payment->getDetails(); // Get the payment details, same as $client->getPayment($paymentId)
$payment->hostedPaymentsPage(); // Get the Hosted Payments Page helper, see below.
$payment->toArray(); // Convert to array
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\PaymentMethod\BankTransferPaymentMethodInterface;
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Payment\Beneficiary\ExternalAccountBeneficiaryInterface;
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Payment\Beneficiary\MerchantBeneficiaryInterface;
$method = $client->getPayment($paymentId)->getPaymentMethod();
if ($method instanceof BankTransferPaymentMethodInterface) {
$providerSelection = $method->getProviderSelection();
$beneficiary = $method->getBeneficiary();
if ($beneficiary instanceof ExternalAccountBeneficiaryInterface) {
$beneficiary->getAccountIdentifier(); // See account identifiers documentation
if ($beneficiary instanceof MerchantBeneficiaryInterface) {
$payment = $client->getPayment($paymentId);
$payment->isAuthorized(); // Will also return false when the payment has progressed to executed, failed or settled states.
$payment->isExecuted(); // Will also return false when the payment has progressed to failed or settled states.
$payment->isFailed(); // Payment has failed
$payment->isAttemptFailed(); // Payment attempt has failed, only available if payment retries are enabled.
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Payment\PaymentAuthorizationRequiredInterface;
if ($payment instanceof PaymentAuthorizationRequiredInterface) {
// Your logic here, you would normally start the authorization process.
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Payment\PaymentAuthorizingInterface;
if ($payment instanceof PaymentAuthorizingInterface) {
$payment->getAuthorizationFlowConfig(); // see authorization flow config
// Will return a \TrueLayer\Interfaces\Payment\AuthorizationFlow\Action\ActionInterface
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Payment\AuthorizationFlow\Action\ProviderSelectionActionInterface;
$nextAction = $payment->getAuthorizationFlowNextAction();
if ($nextAction instanceof ProviderSelectionActionInterface) {
foreach ($nextAction->getProviders() as $provider) {
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Payment\AuthorizationFlow\Action\RedirectActionInterface;
$nextAction = $payment->getAuthorizationFlowNextAction();
if ($nextAction instanceof RedirectActionInterface) {
$nextAction->getUri(); // The URL the end user must be redirected to
$nextAction->getProvider(); // The provider object, see available methods above.
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Payment\AuthorizationFlow\Action\WaitActionInterface;
$nextAction = $payment->getAuthorizationFlowNextAction();
if ($nextAction instanceof WaitActionInterface) {
// your logic here
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Payment\PaymentAuthorizedInterface;
if ($payment instanceof PaymentAuthorizedInterface) {
$payment->getAuthorizationFlowConfig(); // see authorization flow config
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Payment\PaymentExecutedInterface;
if ($payment instanceof PaymentExecutedInterface) {
$payment->getExecutedAt(); // The date and time the payment was executed at
$payment->getAuthorizationFlowConfig(); // See authorization flow config
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Payment\PaymentSettledInterface;
if ($payment instanceof PaymentSettledInterface) {
$payment->getExecutedAt(); // The date and time the payment was executed at
$payment->getSettledAt(); // The date and time the payment was settled at
$payment->getAuthorizationFlowConfig(); // See authorization flow config
$payment->getSourceOfFunds(); // See source of funds
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Payment\PaymentFailedInterface;
if ($payment instanceof PaymentFailedInterface) {
$payment->getFailedAt(); // The date and time the payment failed at
$payment->getFailureStage(); // The status the payment was when it failed, one of `authorization_
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Payment\PaymentAttemptFailedInterface;
if ($payment instanceof PaymentAttemptFailedInterface) {
$payment->getFailedAt(); // The date and time the payment failed at
$payment->getFailureStage(); // The status the payment was when it failed, one of `authorization_
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Payment\PaymentExecutedInterface;
if ($payment instanceof PaymentExecutedInterface) {
$config = $payment->getAuthorizationFlowConfig();
$config->isRedirectSupported() // Is redirect supported or not
$config->getRedirectReturnUri(); // The URL the user will be redirected back once the flow on the third-party's website is completed
$config->isProviderSelectionSupported(); // Is provider selection supported or not
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Payment\PaymentExecutedInterface;
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Payment\PaymentSettledInterface;
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\SchemeIdentifier\ScanDetailsInterface;
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\SchemeIdentifier\IbanDetailsInterface;
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\SchemeIdentifier\BbanDetailsInterface;
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\SchemeIdentifier\NrbDetailsInterface;
if ($payment instanceof PaymentExecutedInterface || $payment instanceof PaymentSettledInterface) {
$paymentSource = $payment->getPaymentSource();
$paymentSource->getAccountHolderName(); // The unique ID for the external account
foreach ($paymentSource->getAccountIdentifiers() as $accountIdentifier) {
// See 'Account identifiers' for available methods.
use TrueLayer\Constants\FormInputTypes;
$payment = $client->payment()->create();
// If you are planning to start the authorization flow manually then hand over to the HPP:
// If you are planning to build a fully custom UI, you need to manually specify which features your UI is able to support:
->enableProviderSelection() // Can the UI render a provider selection screen?
->enableSchemeSelection() // Can the UI render a scheme selection screen?
->enableUserAccountSelection() // Can the UI render a user account selection screen?
->formInputTypes([FormInputTypes::TEXT, FormInputTypes::TEXT_WITH_IMAGE, FormInputTypes::SELECT]) // Can the UI render form inputs for the end user to interact with? Which input types can it handle?
$schemeSelection = $client->payoutSchemeSelection()->instantPreferred(); // Attempt to select a payment scheme that supports instant payments based on currency and geography, fallback to a non-instant scheme if instant payment is unavailable. This is used by default if no scheme selection is provided.
$schemeSelection = $client->payoutSchemeSelection()->instantOnly(); // Automatically select a payment scheme that supports instant payments based on currency and geography.
$schemeSelection = $client->payoutSchemeSelection()->preselected()->schemeId('faster_payments_service'); // Set the scheme manually. Scheme ID is
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Payout\PayoutRetrievedInterface;
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Payout\PayoutPendingInterface;
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Payout\PayoutAuthorizedInterface;
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Payout\PayoutExecutedInterface;
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Payout\PayoutFailedInterface;
use TrueLayer\Constants\PayoutStatus;
$payout = $client->getPayout($payoutId);
// All payout statuses implement this common interface
if ($payout instanceof PayoutRetrievedInterface) {
// Pending payouts
if ($payout instanceof PayoutPendingInterface) {
$payout->getStatus(); //PayoutStatus::PENDING
// Authorized payouts
if ($payout instanceof PayoutAuthorizedInterface) {
$payout->getStatus(); //PayoutStatus::AUTHORIZED
// Executed payouts
if ($payout instanceof PayoutExecutedInterface) {
$payout->getStatus(); //PayoutStatus::EXECUTED
// Failed payouts
if ($payout instanceof PayoutFailedInterface) {
$payout->getStatus() // PayoutStatus::FAILED
$merchantAccount = $client->getMerchantAccount('a2dcee6d-7a00-414d-a1e6-8a2b23169e00');
foreach ($merchantAccount->getAccountIdentifiers() as $accountIdentifier) {
// See 'Account identifiers' for available methods.
$webhook = $client->webhook();
$webhook = \TrueLayer\Webhook::configure()
->cache($cacheImplementation, $encryptionKey) // optional, but recommeded. See Caching
->useProduction($useProduction) // bool
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Webhook;
->handler(function (Webhook\EventInterface $event) {
// Do something on any event
->handler(function (Webhook\PaymentEventInterface $event) {
// Do something on any payment event
->handler(function (Webhook\PaymentExecutedEventInterface $event) {
// Do something on payment executed event only
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Webhook;
class LogEvents
public function __invoke(Webhook\EventInterface $event)
// Log event
class UpdateOrderStatus
public function __invoke(Webhook\PaymentExecutedEventInterface $event)
// Update your order when the payment is executed
// You can use ->handler()...
// Or you can use ->handlers()...
// If you need to, you can also provide instances:
new LogEvents(),
new UpdateOrderStatus()
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Webhook;
->handler(function (Webhook\EventInterface $event) {
// Handle any incoming event
->handler(function (Webhook\PaymentEventInterface $event) {
// Handle any payment event
// Inherits from EventInterface so provides same methods plus:
->handler(function (Webhook\PaymentAuthorizedEventInterface $event) {
// Handle payment authorized
// Note that this webhook is optional and disabled by default.
// Contact us if you would like this webhook to be enabled.
// Inherits from PaymentEventInterface so provides same methods plus:
->handler(function (Webhook\PaymentExecutedEventInterface $event) {
// Handle payment executed
// Inherits from PaymentEventInterface so provides same methods plus:
->handler(function (Webhook\PaymentSettledEventInterface $event) {
// Handle payment settled
// Inherits from PaymentEventInterface so provides same methods plus:
->handler(function (Webhook\PaymentFailedEventInterface $event) {
// Handle payment failed
// Inherits from PaymentEventInterface so provides same methods plus:
->handler(function (Webhook\PaymentCreditableEventInterface $event) {
// Handle payment creditable
// Inherits from PaymentEventInterface so provides same methods plus:
->handler(function (Webhook\PaymentSettlementStalledEventInterface $event) {
// Handle payment settlement stalled
// Note that this webhook is optional and disabled by default.
// Contact us if you would like this webhook to be enabled.
// Inherits from PaymentEventInterface so provides same methods plus:
->handler(function (Webhook\RefundEventInterface $event) {
// Handle any refund event
->handler(function (Webhook\RefundExecutedEventInterface $event) {
// Handle refund executed
// Inherits from RefundEventInterface so provides same methods plus:
->handler(function (Webhook\RefundFailedEventInterface $event) {
// Handle refund failed
// Inherits from RefundEventInterface so provides same methods plus:
->handler(function (Webhook\PayoutEventInterface $event) {
// handle any payout event
$beneficiary = $event->getBeneficiary();
if ($beneficiary instanceof Webhook\Beneficiary\BusinessAccountBeneficiaryInterface) {
if ($beneficiary instanceof Webhook\Beneficiary\PaymentSourceBeneficiaryInterface) {
->handler(function (Webhook\PayoutExecutedEventInterface $event) {
// handle payout executed
// Inherits from PayoutEventInterface so provides same methods plus:
->handler(function (Webhook\PayoutFailedEventInterface $event) {
// handle payout failed
// Inherits from PayoutEventInterface so provides same methods plus:
$paymentSource = $event->getPaymentSource(); $paymentSource->getId(); $paymentSource->getAccountHolderName();
$paymentSource->getAccountIdentifiers(); // See Account Identifiers
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\Webhook;
$paymentMethod = $event->getPaymentMethod();
if ($paymentMethod instanceof Webhook\PaymentMethod\BankTransferPaymentMethodInterface) {
if ($paymentMethod instanceof Webhook\PaymentMethod\MandatePaymentMethodInterface) {
->headers($headers) // flat key-value array
->body($body) // the raw request body string
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\AccountIdentifier\ScanDetailsInterface;
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\AccountIdentifier\IbanDetailsInterface;
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\AccountIdentifier\NrbDetailsInterface;
use TrueLayer\Interfaces\AccountIdentifier\BbanDetailsInterface;
if ($accountIdentifier instanceof ScanDetailsInterface) {
if ($accountIdentifier instanceof IbanDetailsInterface) {
if ($accountIdentifier instanceof NrbDetailsInterface) {
if ($accountIdentifier instanceof BbanDetailsInterface) {
// Create a RequestOptionsInterface instance and set your custom idempotency key
$requestOptions = $client->requestOptions()->idempotencyKey('my-custom-idempotency-key');
// Creating a payment with a custom idempotency key
// Creating a refund with a custom idempotency key
->reference('My reference')
// Creating a payout with a custom idempotency key
$e->getErrors(); // Get the errors provided by the API, as an array
$e->getStatusCode(); // The response status code
$e->getType(); // The error type, as a link to the TrueLayer docs
$e->getDetail(); // A description of the error message
$e->getTraceId(); // The TrueLayer error trace id