PHP code example of troydavisson / phrets

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download troydavisson/phrets library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


troydavisson / phrets example snippets


nUrl('rets login url here')
        ->setUsername('rets username here')
        ->setPassword('rets password here')

$rets = new \PHRETS\Session($config);

// If you're using Monolog already for logging, you can pass that logging instance to PHRETS for some additional
// insight into what PHRETS is doing.
// $log = new \Monolog\Logger('PHRETS');
// $log->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('php://stdout', \Monolog\Logger::DEBUG));
// $rets->setLogger($log);

$connect = $rets->Login();

$system = $rets->GetSystemMetadata();

$resources = $system->getResources();
$classes = $resources->first()->getClasses();

$classes = $rets->GetClassesMetadata('Property');

$objects = $rets->GetObject('Property', 'Photo', '00-1669', '*', 1);

$fields = $rets->GetTableMetadata('Property', 'A');

$results = $rets->Search('Property', 'A', '*', ['Limit' => 3, 'Select' => 'LIST_1,LIST_105,LIST_15,LIST_22,LIST_87,LIST_133,LIST_134']);
foreach ($results as $r) {

$config = new \PHRETS\Configuration;

// optional.  value shown below are the defaults used when not overridden
$config->setRetsVersion('1.7.2'); // see constants from \PHRETS\Versions\RETSVersion
$config->setUserAgentPassword($rets_user_agent_password); // string password, if given
$config->setHttpAuthenticationMethod('digest'); // or 'basic' if 

$config = Configuration::load([
    'login_url' => 'http://loginurlhere',
    'username' => 'rets_username',
    'password' => 'rets_password',
    'user_agent' => 'UserAgent/1.0',
    'user_agent_password' => 'user_agent_password_here',
    'rets_version' => '1.8',
    'http_authentication' => 'basic',

$config = Configuration::load([
    see above for what to give here

$rets = new \PHRETS\Session($config);

$bulletin = $rets->Login();

$results = $rets->Search($resource, $class, $query);

// or with the additional options (with defaults shown)

$results = $rets->Search(
        'QueryType' => 'DMQL2',
        'Count' => 1, // count and records
        'Format' => 'COMPACT-DECODED',
        'Limit' => 99999999,
        'StandardNames' => 0, // give system names

$results = $rets->Search( see above for what to give here );

foreach ($results as $record) {
    echo $record['Address'] . "\n";
    // is the same as:
    echo $record->get('Address') . "\n";

// return an array of the field names to expect with each record

// return the total number of results found (reported by the RETS server)

// return the count of results actually retrieved by PHRETS
$results->getReturnedResultsCount(); // same as: count($results)

// make a RETS GetMetadata call for the metadata for this RETS Resource and Class

// return whether or not the RETS server has more results to give

// return the string of characters to expect as the value of a field the RETS server blocked

// return the first record in the set

// return the last record in the set

// returns an array representing the collected values from the identified field
$all_ids = $results->lists('ListingID');

// export the results in CSV format

// export the results in JSON format

// export the results in a simple array format

$record->isRestricted('Address'); // determine if the RETS server blocked this value
$record->getFields(); // return an array of the field names associated with this record
$record->toArray(); // returns a true PHP array of the given record
$record->toJson(); // returns a JSON encoded string representing the record
$record->getResource(); // returns the RETS Resource responsible for this record
$record->getClass(); // returns the RETS Class responsible for this record

$objects = $rets->GetObject($rets_resource, $object_type, $object_keys);

// grab the first object of the set

// grab the last object of the set

// throw out everything but the first 10 objects
$objects = $objects->slice(0, 10);

$objects = $rets->GetObject( see above documentation );
foreach ($objects as $object) {
    // does this represent some kind of error
    $object->getError(); // returns a \PHRETS\Models\RETSError

    // get the record ID associated with this object

    // get the sequence number of this object relative to the others with the same ContentId

    // get the object's Content-Type value

    // get the description of the object

    // get the sub-description of the object

    // get the object's binary data

    // get the size of the object's data

    // does this object represent the primary object in the set

    // when requesting URLs, access the URL given back

    // use the given URL and make it look like the RETS server gave the object directly