PHP code example of troojaan / laravel-state-machine

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download troojaan/laravel-state-machine library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


troojaan / laravel-state-machine example snippets

'do' => function () {

`do` => 'abort',

'do' => ['MyService', 'handle'],

`do` => 'MyService@handle',

// The callback won't be passed any argument
'args' => [],

// You can pass strings and arrays as JSON-like strings.
'args' => ['"approved"', '["foo", "bar"]', '{"foo": "bar"}'],

// The callback will receive the object that is associated with the state machine,
// e.g. the `$article`.
'args' => ['object'],

// The callback will receive the `SM\Event\TransitionEvent` instance.
'args' => ['event'],

'callbacks' => [
    // will be called when testing a transition
    'guard' => [
        'guard_on_submitting' => [
            // call the callback on a specific transition
            'on' => 'submit_changes',

            // will call the method of this class
            'do' => ['MyService', 'handle'],

            // arguments for the callback
            'args' => ['object', 'event'],

use SM\Event\SMEvents;

 * The event listener mappings for the application.
 * @var array
protected $listen = [
    SMEvents::TEST_TRANSITION => [
    SMEvents::PRE_TRANSITION => [
    SMEvents::POST_TRANSITION => [
    'winzou.state_machine.*' => [

'providers' => [

'aliases' => [
    'StateMachine' => troojaan\SM\Facade::class,
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="troojaan\SM\ServiceProvider"

// Get the article
$article = App\Article::find($id);

// Get the state machine for this article, and graph called "simple"

// Using the facade
$stateMachine = StateMachine::get($article, 'simple');

// Or using the service container with dependency injection
public function method(SM\Factory\FactoryInterface $factory)
    $stateMachine = $factory->get($article, 'simple');

// Get the actual state of the object

// Get all available transitions

// Check if a transition can be applied: returns true or false

// Apply a transition