PHP code example of triggerdesign / hermes

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download triggerdesign/hermes library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


triggerdesign / hermes example snippets

	'providers' => array(
	'aliases' => array(
        'Messaging' => Triggerdesign\Hermes\Facades\Messaging::class

use Triggerdesign\Hermes\Models\UserTrait as HermesTrait;

class User extends BaseModel implements ConfideUserInterface
    use HermesTrait;

    //This will start a new conversation between user 1 and 2 or find an existing one
    $conversation = Messaging::startConversation([1,2]);
    //or try to find one on your own
    $conversation =  Messagging::findConversations($user_ids, $arguments, $limit);

    //All messages in one conversation
    //Add a message
    $conversation->isUnread(); //conversation has unread messages
    $conversation->doRead(); //call this after a user has read his messages

    //Build an array of \Triggerdesign\Hermes\Classes\MessageGroup
    $messageGroups = $conversation->buildGroups();
    //now you can iterate throgh these groups and buld your own messenger
    @foreach($messageGroups as $messageGroup)
        <b>{{ $messageGroup->getUser()->name }}: @ {{ $messageGroup->getStart()->format('d.m.Y H:i:s');  }}</b>
        @foreach($messageGroup->getMessages() as $message)
            <p>{{ nl2br($message->content)  }}</p>

	//All conversations that this user is a member of
	//How many messages are unread
	//Get all unread conversations
	//Get all unread conversations inside all the unread conversations

    php artisan vendor:publish
    php artisan migrate