PHP code example of transfuse / codeigniter-restserver

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download transfuse/codeigniter-restserver library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


transfuse / codeigniter-restserver example snippets

use Restserver\Libraries\REST_Controller;

class Books extends REST_Controller
  public function index_get()
    // Display all books

  public function index_post()
    // Create a new book

$this->get('blah'); // GET param
$this->post('blah'); // POST param
$this->put('blah'); // PUT param

public function index_delete($id)
		'returned from delete:' => $id,

$this->query('blah'); // Query param

public function index_get()

public function index_post()
    // ...create new book
    $this->response($book, 201); // Send an HTTP 201 Created

$this->response([]); // HTTP 404 Not Found

| HTTP protocol
| Set to force the use of HTTPS for REST API calls
$config['force_https'] = FALSE;

| REST Output Format
| The default format of the response
| 'array':      Array data structure
| 'csv':        Comma separated file
| 'json':       Uses json_encode(). Note: If a GET query string
|               called 'callback' is passed, then jsonp will be returned
| 'html'        HTML using the table library in CodeIgniter
| 'php':        Uses var_export()
| 'serialized':  Uses serialize()
| 'xml':        Uses simplexml_load_string()
$config['rest_default_format'] = 'json';

| REST Supported Output Formats
| The following setting contains a list of the supported/allowed formats.
| You may remove those formats that you don't want to use.
| If the default format $config['rest_default_format'] is missing within
| $config['rest_supported_formats'], it will be added silently during
| REST_Controller initialization.
$config['rest_supported_formats'] = [

| REST Status Field Name
| The field name for the status inside the response
$config['rest_status_field_name'] = 'status';

| REST Message Field Name
| The field name for the message inside the response
$config['rest_message_field_name'] = 'error';

| Enable Emulate Request
| Should we enable emulation of the request (e.g. used in Mootools request)
$config['enable_emulate_request'] = TRUE;

| REST Realm
| Name of the password protected REST API displayed on login dialogs
| e.g: My Secret REST API
$config['rest_realm'] = 'REST API';

| REST Login
| Set to specify the REST API gest' and 'basic'.
// $config['auth_override_class_method']['deals']['view'] = 'none';
// $config['auth_override_class_method']['deals']['insert'] = 'digest';
// $config['auth_override_class_method']['accounts']['user'] = 'basic';
// $config['auth_override_class_method']['dashboard']['*'] = 'basic';

// ---Uncomment list line for the wildard unit test
// $config['auth_override_class_method']['wildcard_test_cases']['*'] = 'basic';

| Override auth types for specfic 'class/method/HTTP method'
| example:
|            $config['auth_override_class_method_http']['deals']['view']['get'] = 'none';
|            $config['auth_override_class_method_http']['deals']['insert']['post'] = 'none';
|            $config['auth_override_class_method_http']['deals']['*']['options'] = 'none';

// ---Uncomment list line for the wildard unit test
// $config['auth_override_class_method_http']['wildcard_test_cases']['*']['options'] = 'basic';

| REST Login Usernames
| Array of usernames and passwords for login, if ldap is configured this is ignored
$config['rest_valid_logins'] = ['admin' => '1234'];

| Global IP Whitelisting
| Limit connections to your REST server to whitelisted IP addresses
| Usage:
| 1. Set to TRUE and select an auth option for extreme security (client's IP
|    address must be in whitelist and they must also log in)
| 2. Set to TRUE with auth set to FALSE to allow whitelisted IPs access with no login
| 3. Set to FALSE but set 'auth_override_class_method' to 'whitelist' to
|    restrict certain methods to IPs in your whitelist
$config['rest_ip_whitelist_enabled'] = FALSE;

| REST IP Whitelist
| Limit connections to your REST server with a comma separated
| list of IP addresses
| e.g: '123.456.789.0, 987.654.32.1'
| and are allowed by default
$config['rest_ip_whitelist'] = '';

| Global IP Blacklisting
| Prevent connections to the REST server from blacklisted IP addresses
| Usage:
| 1. Set to TRUE and add any IP address to 'rest_ip_blacklist'
$config['rest_ip_blacklist_enabled'] = FALSE;

| REST IP Blacklist
| Prevent connections from the following IP addresses
| e.g: '123.456.789.0, 987.654.32.1'
$config['rest_ip_blacklist'] = '';

| REST Database Group
| Connect to a database group for keys, logging, etc. It will only connect
| if you have any of these features enabled
$config['rest_database_group'] = 'default';

| REST API Keys Table Name
| The table name in your database that stores API keys
$config['rest_keys_table'] = 'keys';

| REST Enable Keys
| When set to TRUE, the REST API will look for a column name called 'key'.
| If no key is provided, the request will result in an error. To override the
| column name see 'rest_key_column'
| Default table schema:
|   CREATE TABLE `keys` (
|       `user_id` INT(11) NOT NULL,
|       `key` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
|       `level` INT(2) NOT NULL,
|       `ignore_limits` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
|       `is_private_key` TINYINT(1)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
|       `ip_addresses` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL,
|       `date_created` INT(11) NOT NULL,
|       PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
$config['rest_enable_keys'] = FALSE;

| REST Table Key Column Name
| If not using the default table schema in 'rest_enable_keys', specify the
| column name to match e.g. my_key
$config['rest_key_column'] = 'key';

| REST API Limits method
| Specify the method used to limit the API calls
| Available methods are :
| $config['rest_limits_method'] = 'API_KEY'; // Put a limit per api key
| $config['rest_limits_method'] = 'METHOD_NAME'; // Put a limit on method calls
| $config['rest_limits_method'] = 'ROUTED_URL';  // Put a limit on the routed URL
$config['rest_limits_method'] = 'ROUTED_URL';

| REST Key Length
| Length of the created keys. Check your default database schema on the
| maximum length allowed
| Note: The maximum length is 40
$config['rest_key_length'] = 40;

| REST API Key Variable
| Custom header to specify the API key

| Note: Custom headers with the X- prefix are deprecated as of
| 2012/06/12. See RFC 6648 specification for more details
$config['rest_key_name'] = 'X-API-KEY';

| REST Enable Logging
| When set to TRUE, the REST API will log actions based on the column names 'key', 'date',
| 'time' and 'ip_address'. This is a general rule that can be overridden in the
| $this->method array for each controller
| Default table schema:
|   CREATE TABLE `logs` (
|       `uri` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
|       `method` VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL,
|       `params` TEXT DEFAULT NULL,
|       `api_key` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
|       `ip_address` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
|       `time` INT(11) NOT NULL,
|       `rtime` FLOAT DEFAULT NULL,
|       `authorized` VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL,
|       `response_code` smallint(3) DEFAULT '0',
|       PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
$config['rest_enable_logging'] = FALSE;

| REST API Logs Table Name
| If not using the default table schema in 'rest_enable_logging', specify the
| table name to match e.g. my_logs
$config['rest_logs_table'] = 'logs';

| REST Method Access Control
| When set to TRUE, the REST API will check the access table to see if
| the API key can access that controller. 'rest_enable_keys' must be enabled
| to use this
| Default table schema:
|   CREATE TABLE `access` (
|       `id` INT(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
|       `key` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
|       `controller` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
|       `date_created` DATETIME DEFAULT NULL,
|       PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
$config['rest_enable_access'] = FALSE;

| REST API Access Table Name
| If not using the default table schema in 'rest_enable_access', specify the
| table name to match e.g. my_access
$config['rest_access_table'] = 'access';

| REST API Param Log Format
| When set to TRUE, the REST API log parameters will be stored in the database as JSON
| Set to FALSE to log as serialized PHP
$config['rest_logs_json_params'] = FALSE;

| REST Enable Limits
| When set to TRUE, the REST API will count the number of uses of each method
| by an API key each hour. This is a general rule that can be overridden in the
| $this->method array in each controller
| Default table schema:
|   CREATE TABLE `limits` (
|       `uri` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
|       `count` INT(10) NOT NULL,
|       `hour_started` INT(11) NOT NULL,
|       `api_key` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
|       PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
| To specify the limits within the controller's __construct() method, add per-method
| limits with:
|       $this->method['METHOD_NAME']['limit'] = [NUM_REQUESTS_PER_HOUR];
| See application/controllers/api/example.php for examples
$config['rest_enable_limits'] = FALSE;

| REST API Limits Table Name
| If not using the default table schema in 'rest_enable_limits', specify the
| table name to match e.g. my_limits
$config['rest_limits_table'] = 'limits';

| REST Ignore HTTP Accept
| Set to TRUE to ignore the HTTP Accept and speed up each request a little.
| Only do this if you are using the $this->rest_format or /format/xml in URLs
$config['rest_ignore_http_accept'] = FALSE;

| Set to TRUE to allow AJAX requests only. Set to FALSE to accept HTTP requests
| Note: If set to TRUE and the request is not AJAX, a 505 response with the
| error message 'Only AJAX requests are accepted.' will be returned.
| Hint: This is good for production environments
$config['rest_ajax_only'] = FALSE;

| REST Language File
| Language file to load from the language directory
$config['rest_language'] = 'english';

$config['rest_valid_logins'] = ['username' => 'password', 'other_person' => 'secure123'];

$config['rest_ip_whitelist'] = '123.456.789.0, 987.654.32.1';

$config['rest_enable_keys'] = TRUE;

$lang['text_rest_invalid_api_key'] = 'Invalid API key %s'; // %s is the REST API key
$lang['text_rest_invalid_credentials'] = 'Invalid credentials';
$lang['text_rest_ip_denied'] = 'IP denied';
$lang['text_rest_ip_unauthorized'] = 'IP unauthorized';
$lang['text_rest_unauthorized'] = 'Unauthorized';
$lang['text_rest_ajax_only'] = 'Only AJAX requests are allowed';
$lang['text_rest_api_key_unauthorized'] = 'This API key does not have access to the requested controller';
$lang['text_rest_api_key_permissions'] = 'This API key does not have enough permissions';
$lang['text_rest_api_key_time_limit'] = 'This API key has reached the time limit for this method';
$lang['text_rest_unknown_method'] = 'Unknown method';
$lang['text_rest_unsupported'] = 'Unsupported protocol';