PHP code example of transact-pro / gw3-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download transact-pro/gw3-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


transact-pro / gw3-client example snippets

use TransactPro\Gateway\Gateway;
use TransactPro\Gateway\Responses\Constants\Status;

$gw = new Gateway('<API BASE URL>/v3.0');

// Setup gateway authorization credentials

// Create transaction object
$sms = $gw->createSms();

// Set sRequest = $sms->build();

// Process transaction to gateway
$response = $gw->process($smsRequest);

// Parse Gateway response as a payment response
$paymentResponse = $sms->parseResponse($response);
if (!empty($paymentResponse->error)) {
    throw new \RuntimeException("GW error: {$paymentResponse->error->message}");

// Redirect user to received URL
if ($paymentResponse->gw->statusCode === Status::CARD_FORM_URL_SENT) {
    header("Location: {$paymentResponse->gw->redirectUrl}");

use TransactPro\Gateway\Gateway;
use TransactPro\Gateway\Responses\Constants\Status;

$gw = new Gateway('<API BASE URL>/v3.0');

// Setup gatewayl authorization credentials

// Create transaction object
$sms = $gw->createSms();

// Set way response as a payment response
$paymentResponse = $sms->parseResponse($response);
echo $paymentResponse->gw->statusCode === Status::SUCCESS ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILED";

use TransactPro\Gateway\Gateway;

$gw = new Gateway('<API BASE URL>/v3.0');

// first, you need to setup authorization.
// you can change authorization data in runtime.
// Thus, following operations will work under
// new authorization.

$operation = $gw->createOPERATION();

// here you setup your request through public methods
// that expose you blocks of information, that you can fill for the
// operation of your choice.

// build() will prepare `Request` object that `$gw` will use
// for the request.
$operationRequest = $operation->build();

// process() will perform provided request to the gateway
// `$response` will have response data (headers, body).
$response = $gw->process($operationRequest);

// parse received raw response to an appropriate class
$parsedResponse = $operation->parseResponse($response);

use TransactPro\Gateway\DataSets\Command;

// create a payment to init card verification process

// complete card verification
$operation = $gw->createCardVerification();
$operationRequest = $operation->build();
$response = $gw->process($request);
echo $response->getStatusCode() === 200 ? 'SUCCESS' : 'FAILURE';

// send a payment with flag to accept only verified cards

use TransactPro\Gateway\DataSets\Command;

// option 1: create a payment with flag to save payment data

// option 2: send "create token" request with payment data
$operation = $gw->createToken();
    ->setPAN('<card number>')
    ->setExpire('<card expiry>')
    ->setCardHolderName('<cardholder name>');
    ->setCurrency('<desired currency>');
$operationRequest = $operation->build();
$response = $gw->process($request);

// send a payment in "token usage" mode with flag to load payment data by token
    ->setPaymentMethodDataToken('<initial gateway-transaction-id>');

$response = $gw->process($message);
$paymentResponse = $message->parseResponse($response);
if (
    !empty($paymentResponse->error) &&
    $paymentResponse->error->code === ErrorCode::EEC_ACQUIRER_SOFT_DECLINE &&
) {
    header("Location: {$paymentResponse->gw->redirectUrl}");

use TransactPro\Gateway\Responses\GatewayResponse;
use TransactPro\Gateway\Responses\CallbackResult;
use TransactPro\Gateway\Http\Crypto\ResponseDigest;

// verify data digest
$responseDigest = new ResponseDigest($_POST['sign'] ?? '');
$responseDigest->setOriginalUri($paymentResponse->getDigest()->getUri());       // optional, set if available
$responseDigest->setOriginalCnonce($paymentResponse->getDigest()->getCnonce()); // optional, set if available
$responseDigest->setBody($_POST['json'] ?? '');
$responseDigest->verify("3383e58e-9cde-4ffa-85cf-81cd25b2423e", "super-secret-key");

// parse callback data as a payment response
$callbackResponse = GatewayResponse::createFromJSON($_POST['json'] ?? '', CallbackResult::class);
echo $callbackResponse->gw->statusText;

use TransactPro\Gateway\Interfaces\ResponseInterface;

// NB. Merchant GUID/secret must be used instead of account GUID/secret!

$message = $gw->createReport();
    ->setDtCreatedFrom(time() - 86400)

$request = $message->build();
$response = $gw->process($request);

// get raw body
$reportCSV = $response->getBody();

// get parsed body as iterator where each row is an associative array
// with keys from the first line and values are from all other lines
$csvResponse = $message->parseResponse($response);
foreach ($csvResponse as $key => $value) {

use TransactPro\Gateway\Gateway;

$gw = new Gateway('');

use TransactPro\Gateway\Gateway;

$httpClient = new MyClient(); // implements HttpClientInterface

$gw = new Gateway('<API BASE URL>/v3.0');

// use it!
// ...

// execute a payment
$paymentResponse = $operation->parseResponse($response);

$retrieveFormOperation = $gw->createRetrieveForm($paymentResponse);
$retrieveFormRequest = $retrieveFormOperation->build();
$htmlResponse = $gw->process($retrieveFormRequest);
$rawHtml = $htmlResponse->getBody();