PHP code example of toobo / matching

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download toobo/matching library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


toobo / matching example snippets

use Toobo\Matching\Matcher;

$callback = Matcher::for(
    function(string $name) {
        return "Hi, my name is $name.";
    function(int $age) {
        return "I am $age years old.";

$callback('Giuseppe'); // "Hi, my name is Giuseppe."

$callback(35);         // "I am 35 years old."

$callback = Matcher::for(
    function(string $name, int $age) {
        return "Hi, my name is $name and I am $age years old.";
    function(int $age, string $name) {
        return "Hi, my name is $name and I am $age years old.";
    function(int $children) {
        return $children === 1 ? 'I have 1 child.' : "I have $children children.";

$callback('Giuseppe', 35); // "Hi, my name is Giuseppe and I am 35 years old."
$callback(35, 'Giuseppe'); // "Hi, my name is Giuseppe and I am 35 years old."
$callback(1);              // "I have 1 child."

$callback = Matcher::for(
    function(string $name) {
        return "Hi, my name is $name.";
)->failWith(function(...$args) {
    return "Sorry, I don't know what you mean.";

$callback('Giuseppe'); // "Hi, my name is Giuseppe."
$callback(true);       // "Sorry, I don't know what you mean."

$callback = Matcher::for(
    function(string $name, int $age) {
        return "I'm $name and I'm $age years old."
    function($anything, int $age) {
        return "I'm $age years old.";

$callback('Giuseppe', 35); // "I'm Giuseppe and I'm 35 years old."
$callback(true, 35);       // "I'm 35 years old."

$callback = Matcher::for(
    function($foo, $bar) {
        return "First"
    function($foo, int $bar) {
        return "Second";

$callback('a', 'b'); // "First"
$callback('a', 1);   // "Second"

$callback = Matcher::for(
    function(int ...$numbers) {
    function(string $foo, int $bar = 0) {

$callback = Matcher::for(
    function(string $name) {
        return "Hi, my name is $name.";
    function(string $name, int $age, array $children = []) {
        $msg   = "I'm $name ($age)";
        $count = count($children);
        if ($count === 1) {
            $msg .= ' I have 1 child, their name is ' . reset($children) . '.';
        } elseif($count > 1) {
            $msg .= "I have $count children: " . implode(', ', $children) . '.';
        return $msg;

$callback('Giuseppe');                // "Hi, my name is Giuseppe."
$callback('Giuseppe', 35);            // "I'm Giuseppe (35)."
$callback('Giuseppe', 35, ['Sofia']); // "I'm Giuseppe (35). I have 1 child, their name is Sofia."

$callback = Matcher::for(
    function(string $name, int $age = -1) {
        $msg = "I'm $name";
        return $age > 0 ? "$msg ($age)." : "$msg."
    function(string $name) {
        return "Hi, my name is $name.";

$callback('Giuseppe'); // "Hi, my name is Giuseppe."

// $weight = {n. of total args} - abs( {n. of total args} - {n. of params in signature} )
$weight = 1 - abs(1 - 2); // 0

$weight = 1 - abs(1 - 1); // 1

$callback = Matcher::for(
    function(...$args) {
    function($a = 'x', $b = 'y', $c = 'z') {

$callback('foo', 'bar');

$callback = Matcher::for(
    function(int...$numbers) {
        return 'These numbers matched: ' . implode(', ', $numbers);
    function(int $age) {
        return "I'm $age years old.";
    function($a, int $b, $c) {
        return implode(', ', [$a, $b, $c]);

$callback(1, 2, 3); // "These numbers matched: 1, 2, 3"

$callback(35);      // "I'm 35 years old."

$callback = Matcher::for(
    function(...$args) {
        // something here

$matcher = Matcher::for(
    function(string $param) {
         return $this->offsetExists($param) ? $this[$param] : null;
    function(int $param) {
        $values = array_values($this->getArrayCopy());
        return array_key_exists($param, $values) ? $values[$param] : null;
    function(string ...$params) {
        return array_map(function($param) {
            return $this->offsetExists($param) ? $this[$param] : null;
        }, $params);

$matcher = $matcher->bindTo(new \ArrayObject(['foo' => 'Foo!', 'bar' => 'Bar!']));

$matcher('foo');                // "Foo!"
$matcher(1);                    // "Bar!"
$matcher('foo', 'meh', 'bar');  // ["Foo!", null, "Bar!"]

namespace Example;

use Toobo\Matching\Matcher;

class Person {

    private static $factory;
    private static function buildFactory(): Matcher {
        self:$factory or self:$factory = Matcher::for(
            function(string $firstname, string $lastname, int $age, string $email = '') {
                $this->fullname = "$firstname $lastname";
                $this->age      = $age;
                $this->email    = $email;
            function(string $fullname, int $age, string $email = '') {
                $this->fullname = $fullname;
                $this->age      = $age;
                $this->email    = $email;
            function(int $age, string $fullname, string $email = '') {
                $this->age      = $age;
                $this->fullname = $fullname;
                $this->email    = $email;
        return self:$factory;
    public function __construct(...$args) {
    public function introduce(): string {
        $out = "My name is $this->fullname and I am $this->age years old.";
        if ( $this->email ) {
            $out .= " My email address is '$this->email'.";
        return $out;

(new Person('Giuseppe', 'Mazzapica', 35))
// My name is Giuseppe Mazzapica and I am 35 years old.
(new Person('Giuseppe Mazzapica', 35))
// My name is Giuseppe Mazzapica and I am 35 years old.
(new Person(35, 'Giuseppe Mazzapica'))
// My name is Giuseppe Mazzapica and I am 35 years old.
(new Person(35, 'Giuseppe Mazzapica', '[email protected]'))
// My name is Giuseppe Mazzapica and I am 35 years old. My email address is '[email protected]'.