PHP code example of tomloprod / ionic-push-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tomloprod/ionic-push-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tomloprod / ionic-push-php example snippets

echo $e;
echo $e->prettify();
echo $e->getCode();
echo $e->getMessage();
echo $e->getType();
echo $e->getLink();

use Tomloprod\IonicApi\Push,

$ionicPushApi = new Push($ionicProfile, $ionicAPIToken);

try {

  $response = $ionicPushApi->deviceTokens->paginatedList([
      // Determines whether to    'user_id' => $desiredUserId,
      // Sets the number of items to return per page (integer)
      'page_size' => 4,
      // Sets the page number (integer)
      'page' => 1

  foreach($response->data as $deviceToken){        

} catch(RequestException $e) {
  echo $e;

try {

  $response = $ionicPushApi->deviceTokens->listAssociatedUsers($desiredDeviceToken, [
      // Sets the number of items to return per page (integer)
      'page_size' => 1,
      // Sets the page number (integer)
      'page' => 1,

  // Do what you want with $response->data

} catch(RequestException $e) {
  echo $e;

try {

  $deviceToken = "c686...";
  $userId = "a99ee...";
  $ionicPushApi->deviceTokens->associateUser($deviceToken, $userId);

  // The user has been associated.

} catch(RequestException $e) {
  echo $e;

try {

  $deviceToken = "c686...";
  $userId = "a99ee...";
  $ionicPushApi->deviceTokens->dissociateUser($deviceToken, $userId);

  // The user has been dissociated.

} catch(RequestException $e) {
  echo $e;

try {

  $response = $ionicPushApi->deviceTokens->create([
      // Device token (string)
      'token' => $newToken,
      // User ID. Associate the token with the User (string)
      'user_id' => $uuid

  // Do what you want with $response->data

} catch(RequestException $e) {
  echo $e;

try {

  $response = $ionicPushApi->deviceTokens->retrieve($desiredDeviceToken);

  // Do what you want with $response->data

} catch(RequestException $e) {
  echo $e;

try {

  $isValid = true; // Determines whether the device token is valid (boolean)
  $ionicPushApi->deviceTokens->update($desiredDeviceToken, ['valid' => $isValid]);

  // The device token has been updated.

} catch(RequestException $e) {
  echo $e;

try {


  // The device token has been deleted.

} catch(RequestException $e) {
  echo $e;

try {
  $response = $ionicPushApi->messages->retrieve($desiredMessageId);

  // Do what you want with $response->data

} catch(RequestException $e) {
  echo $e;

try {

  // The message has been deleted.

} catch(RequestException $e) {
  echo $e;

try {

  $response = $ionicPushApi->notifications->paginatedList([
      // Sets the number of items to return per page (integer)
      'page_size' => 1,
      // Sets the page number (integer)
      'page' => 1,
      // You can also pass other fields like "message_total" or "overview" (string[])
      'fields' => [
          // Total number of messages tied to each notification.
          // Get an overview of messages delivered and failed for each notification.

  // Do what you want with $response->data

} catch(RequestException $e) {
  echo $e;

try {

  $response = $ionicPushApi->notifications->retrieve($desiredNotificationId);

  // Do what you want with $response->data

} catch(RequestException $e) {
  echo $e;

try {

  // Notification has been deleted.

} catch(RequestException $e) {
  echo $e;

try {
  $responses = $ionicPushApi->notifications->deleteAll();

  // Notifications have been deleted.

} catch(RequestException $e) {
  echo $e;

try {

  $response = $ionicPushApi->notifications->listMessages($desiredNotificationId, [
      // Sets the number of items to return per page (integer)
      'page_size' => 1,
      // Sets the page number (integer)
      'page' => 1

  // Do what you want with $response->data

} catch(RequestException $e) {
  echo $e;


// Filename of the Icon to display with the notification (string)
$icon = "icon";

// Filename or URI of an image file to display with the notification (string)
$image = "image";

// Indicates whether each notification message results in a new entry on the notification center on Android.
// If not set, each request creates a new notification.
// If set, and a notification with the same tag is already being shown, the new notification replaces the existing one in notification center.
$tag = "yourTagIfYouNeedIt";

// When this parameter is set to true, it indicates that the message should not be sent until the device becomes active. (boolean)
$delayWhileIdle = false;

// Identifies a group of messages that can be collapsed, so that only the last message gets sent when delivery can be resumed. (string)
$collapseKey = "group1";


// Message Priority. A value of 10 will cause APNS to attempt immediate delivery.
// A value of 5 will attempt a delivery which is convenient for battery life. (integer)
$priority = 10;

// The number to display as the badge of the app icon (integer)
$badge = 1;

// Alert Title, only applicable for iWatch devices
$iWatchTitle = "Hi!";

// Assign the previously defined configuration parameters to each platform, as well as the title and message:
$notificationConfig = [
    'title' => 'Your notification title',
    'message' => 'Your notification message. Bla, bla, bla, bla.',
    'android' => [
        'tag' => $tag,
        'icon' => $icon,
        'image' => $image,
        'delay_while_idle' => $delayWhileIdle,
        'collapse_key' => $collapseKey
    'ios' => [
        'priority' => $priority,
        'badge' => $badge,
        'title' => $iWatchTitle

// [OPTIONAL] You can also pass custom data to the notification. Default => []
$notificationPayload = [
    'myCustomField' => 'This is the content of my customField',
    'anotherCustomField' => 'More custom content'

// [OPTIONAL] And define, if you need it, a silent notification. Default => false
$silent = true;

// [OPTIONAL] Or/and even a scheduled notification for an indicated datetime. Default => ''
$scheduled = '2016-12-10 10:30:10';

// [OPTIONAL] Filename of audio file to play when a notification is received. Setting this to default will use the default device notification sound. Default => 'default'
$sound = 'default';

// Configure notification:
$ionicPushApi->notifications->setConfig($notificationConfig, $notificationPayload, $silent, $scheduled, $sound);

try {

  // Send notification...
  $response = $ionicPushApi->notifications->sendNotificationToAll(); // all registered devices
  // or
  $response = $ionicPushApi->notifications->sendNotification([$desiredToken1, $desiredToken2, $desiredToken3]); // some devices

  // Do what you want with $response->data

} catch(RequestException $e) {
  echo $e;

// Identifier of the notification we want to replace.
$notificationToReplace = "a86feewx...";


// Filename of the Icon to display with the new notification (string)
$icon = "icon";

// Filename or URI of an image file to display with the new notification (string)
$image = "image";

// Indicates whether each notification message results in a new entry on the notification center on Android.
// If not set, each request creates a new notification.
// If set, and a notification with the same tag is already being shown, the new notification replaces the existing one in notification center.
$tag = "yourTagIfYouNeedIt";

// When this parameter is set to true, it indicates that the message should not be sent until the device becomes active. (boolean)
$delayWhileIdle = false;

// Identifies a group of messages that can be collapsed, so that only the last message gets sent when delivery can be resumed. (string)
$collapseKey = "group1";


// Message Priority. A value of 10 will cause APNS to attempt immediate delivery.
// A value of 5 will attempt a delivery which is convenient for battery life. (integer)
$priority = 10;

// The number to display as the badge of the app icon (integer)
$badge = 1;

// Alert Title, only applicable for iWatch devices
$iWatchTitle = "Hi!";

// Assign the previously defined configuration parameters to each platform, as well as the title and message:
$notificationConfig = [
    'title' => 'Your notification title',
    'message' => 'Your notification message. Bla, bla, bla, bla.',
    'android' => [
        'tag' => $tag,
        'icon' => $icon,
        'image' => $image,
        'delay_while_idle' => $delayWhileIdle,
        'collapse_key' => $collapseKey
    'ios' => [
        'priority' => $priority,
        'badge' => $badge,
        'title' => $iWatchTitle

// [OPTIONAL] You can also pass custom data to the new notification. Default => []
$notificationPayload = [
    'myCustomField' => 'This is the content of my customField',
    'anotherCustomField' => 'More custom content'

// [OPTIONAL] And define, if you need it, a silent notification. Default => false
$silent = true;

// [OPTIONAL] Or/and even a scheduled notification for an indicated datetime. Default => ''
$scheduled = '2016-12-10 10:30:10';

// [OPTIONAL] Filename of audio file to play when a notification is received. Setting this to default will use the default device notification sound. Default => 'default'
$sound = 'default';

// Configure new notification:
$ionicPushApi->notifications->setConfig($notificationConfig, $notificationPayload, $silent, $scheduled, $sound);

try {

  // Replace notification with new configuration
  $response = $ionicPushApi->notifications->replace($notificationToReplace);

  // Do what you want with $response->data

} catch(RequestException $e) {
  echo $e;