PHP code example of tomb1n0 / guzzle-mock-handler

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tomb1n0/guzzle-mock-handler library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tomb1n0 / guzzle-mock-handler example snippets

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use Tomb1n0\GuzzleMockHandler\GuzzleMockHandler;

// Create a new instance of the mock handler
$handler = new GuzzleMockHandler;

// Create a new mock response for '/login', returning ['key' => 'value'] in the body.
// By default responses expect a GET verb, and return a 200 response.
$loginResponse = (new GuzzleMockResponse('/login'))->withBody([
    'key' => 'value'

// Tell the handler that we're expecting this response

// Create a new Guzzle Handlerstack, passing in our custom handler
$stack = HandlerStack::create($handler);

// Finally, create the guzzle client, passing our stack in
$guzzle = new Client(['handler' => $stack]);

$response = $guzzle->get('/login');

// A normal guzzle response object
$response->getStatusCode(); // == 200
json_decode((string) $response->getBody()); // == ['key' => 'value']

$handler = new GuzzleMockHandler;
$loginResponse = (new GuzzleMockResponse('/login'))
        'username' => 'tomb1n0',
        'password' => 'correct-horse-battery-staple'
    // NOTE: If you only care about the username in this case, you can pass in a key as the second parameter to assertRequestJson like so:
     * ->assertRequestJson('tomb1n0, 'username');


$stack = HandlerStack::create($handler);
$guzzle = new Client(['handler' => $stack]);

// Just before the response is actually sent back to guzzle, our handler will assert the request JSON is corect.
$response = $guzzle->post('/login', [
    'json' => [
        'username' => 'tomb1n0',
        'password' => 'correct-horse-battery-staple'

$handler = new GuzzleMockHandler;
$loginResponse = (new GuzzleMockResponse('/login'))
    // if you want to perform multiple assertions, you can call ->withAssertion multiple times.
    ->withAssertion(function(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response) {
        $this->assertEquals('super-secure-key', $request->getHeader('X-API-KEY'));


$stack = HandlerStack::create($handler);
$guzzle = new Client(['handler' => $stack]);


$handler = new GuzzleMockHandler;
$loginResponse = (new GuzzleMockResponse('/login'))->withMethod('post');
$usersResponse = new GuzzleMockResponse('/users');

$handler->expect($loginResponse, 'login-response');
$handler->expect($usersResponse, 'users-response');

$stack = HandlerStack::create($handler);
$guzzle = new Client(['handler' => $stack]);


// Performs a assertsEquals behind the scenes, as the handler keeps track of the order calls were made in.
    'login-response', 'users-response'

$handler = new GuzzleMockHandler;
$loginResponse = (new GuzzleMockResponse('/login'))


$stack = HandlerStack::create($handler);
$guzzle = new Client(['handler' => $stack]);

$response = $guzzle->post('/login'); // successfull

$response = $guzzle->post('/login'); // ResponseNotFound exception is thrown, "No response set for post => /login"