PHP code example of tomatom / picture-bundle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tomatom/picture-bundle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tomatom / picture-bundle example snippets

new TomAtom\PictureBundle\TomAtomPictureBundle(),

// asset url - same as in Twig template
$originalAssetUrl = $this->container->get('assets.packages')->getUrl('bundles/app/images/test.jpg');
// get PictureHelper from container
$pictureHelper = $this->container->get('tomatom_picture.util.picture_helper');

// get array of all converted images for asset
$allConveretedImages = $pictureHelper->getAllConverted($originalAssetUrl);

// or specific image for breakpoint
$convertedAssetUrl = $pictureHelper->getAssetUrl($originalAssetUrl, 1920);
$convertedFilePath = $pictureHelper->getFilePath($originalAssetUrl, 1920);

// convert images if not exists and get array of converted images (for global breakpoints)
$allConveretedImages = $pictureHelper->convert($originalAssetUrl);
// convert images if not exists and get array of converted images (custom breakpoints and jpeg quality)
$allConveretedImages = $pictureHelper->convert($originalAssetUrl, [300, 600, 900], 70);

{# as function #}
{{ picture(asset('path/to/asset.jpg')) }}

{# as filter #}
{{ asset('path/to/asset.jpg') | picture }}