PHP code example of tochka-developers / openrpc

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tochka-developers/openrpc library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tochka-developers / openrpc example snippets




'endpoint' => '/api/openrpc.json'

use Tochka\JsonRpc\Annotations\ApiIgnore;
use Tochka\JsonRpc\Annotations\ApiValueExample;
use Tochka\JsonRpc\Annotations\ApiArrayShape;

* @ApiIgnore()
class TestDTO
    * @ApiValueExample(examples={1, 5, 6})
    public ?int $int;
     * @ApiArrayShape(shape={"test": "string", "foo": "int", "bar": "array", "object": FooObject::class})
    public array $testShape;

use Tochka\JsonRpc\Annotations\ApiIgnore;
use Tochka\JsonRpc\Annotations\ApiValueExample;
use Tochka\JsonRpc\Annotations\ApiArrayShape;

class TestDTO
    #[ApiValueExample(examples: [1, 5, 6])]
    public ?int $int;

    #[ApiArrayShape(shape: ['test' => 'string', 'foo' => 'int', 'bar' => 'array', 'object' => FooObject::class])]
    public array $testShape;

'description' => '$views/docs/'

/** Адрес endpoint для текущего сервера */
'endpoint' => '/api/v1/public/jsonrpc',
/** Базовая информация о сервере/точки входа */
'summary' => 'Основная точка входа',
/** Расширенное описание сервера/точки входа */
'description' => 'Основная точка входа',

 * @param array<MyType> $foo Описание параметра FOO
 * @param string[] $bar Описание параметра BAR
 * @return Result[]
public function myMethod(array $foo, array $bar): array
    // ...

class TestDTO
    /** @var array<int> */
    public array $field;
    /** @var MyObject[] */
    public array $objects;

use Tochka\JsonRpc\Annotations\ApiValueExample;

class TestDTO
    #[ApiValueExample(examples: [1, 3, 5])]
    public int $field;
     * @ApiValueExample(examples={"foo", "bar"}}
    public string $foo;

use Tochka\JsonRpc\Annotations\ApiExpectedValues;

class TestDTO
    #[ApiExpectedValues(values: [1, 3, 5])]
    public int $field;
     * @ApiExpectedValues(values={"foo", "bar"}}
    public string $foo;

use Tochka\JsonRpc\Annotations\ApiArrayShape;

class TestDTO
    #[ApiArrayShape(shape: ['test' => 'string', 'foo' => 'int', 'bar' => 'array', 'object' => FooObject::class])]
    public int $field;
     * @ApiArrayShape(shape={"test": "string", "foo": "int", "bar": "array", "object": FooObject::class}}
    public string $foo;

class TestDTO
     * Это будет summary
     * А вот это будет description
    public int $someField;
     * Это будет summary
     * $views/docs/ // содержимое этого файла будет description
    public string $foo;

use Tochka\JsonRpc\Annotations\ApiArrayShape;

class TestController
    #[ApiArrayShape(shape: ['test' => 'string', 'foo' => 'int', 'bar' => 'array', 'object' => FooObject::class])]
    public function someMethod(): array
        return [];
     * @ApiArrayShape(shape={"test": "string", "foo": "int", "bar": "array", "object": FooObject::class}}
    public function fooMethod(): array
        return [];

use Tochka\JsonRpc\Annotations\ApiArrayShape;

 * @ApiArrayShape(shape={"test": "string", "foo": "int", "bar": "array", "object": FooObject::class})
class MyResultClass

use Tochka\JsonRpc\Annotations\ApiArrayShape;

class MyResultClass
    #[ApiArrayShape(shape: ['test' => 'string', 'foo' => 'int', 'bar' => 'array', 'object' => FooObject::class])]
    public SomeClass $property;
php artisan vendor:publish
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="openrpc-config"
cp vendor/tochka-developers/openrpc/config/openrpc.php config/openrpc.php
php artisan openrpc:cache
php artisan openrpc:clear