PHP code example of tobimori / kirby-tailwind-merge

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tobimori/kirby-tailwind-merge library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tobimori / kirby-tailwind-merge example snippets

define("KIRBY_HELPER_ATTR", false);

// site/snippets/component.php
<div <?= attr(['class' => ['h-full w-full bg-neutral-100', $class], 'data-attr' => 'hello world!']) 

// site/snippets/component.php
<div <?= merge('h-full w-full bg-neutral-100', $class) 

// site/snippets/blocks/simple-text.php
<div class="<?= cls([
        'py-32' => true,
            'px-16' => $block->type() !== 'simple-text',
            'px-8' => $block->type() === 'centered-text'
        ]) => $page->intendedTemplate() == 'home'

<div <?= merge([
        'bg-neutral-white', // always applied if no condition is present
        'py-32' => true, // always applied, because condition is true
        cls([ // this works like an "AND", ANY entries in cls function will only be applied if the condition is true, this results in...
            'px-16' => $block->type() !== 'simple-text', // applied when block type is not 'simple-text', but intendedTemplate is 'home'
            'px-8' => $block->type() === 'centered-text' // applied when block type is 'centered-text' and intendedTemplate is 'home', also replaces 'px-16' from above
        ]) => $page->intendedTemplate() == 'home' // "parent" AND condition

<div class="flex mb-4 <?= mod('lg', 'mb-2 flex-col') 

return [
    'tobimori.tailwind-merge' => [
        'prefix' => 'tw-',