PHP code example of tobento / service-booting

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tobento/service-booting library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tobento / service-booting example snippets

use Tobento\Service\Booting\Booter;
use Tobento\Service\Booting\BooterInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Booting\AutowiringBootFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Container\Container;

// Any PSR-11 container
$container = new Container();

$booter = new Booter(
    bootFactory: new AutowiringBootFactory($container),
    name: 'app',
    bootMethods: ['register', 'boot'],
    terminateMethods: ['terminate'],

var_dump($booter instanceof BooterInterface);
// bool(true)

$booter->register(new ConfigBoot());

// You may set a priority for the boot:
$booter->register(DebugBoot::class, priority: 2000);


// calls the boot methods:

// calls the terminate methods


$booter->register(DebugBoot::class, priority: 2000);



boot: DebugBoot::class
boot: ConfigBoot::class
boot: HttpBoot::class
boot: RoutingBoot::class
terminate: RoutingBoot::class
terminate: HttpBoot::class
terminate: ConfigBoot::class
terminate: DebugBoot::class

use Tobento\Service\Booting\BootRegistry;

$boot = $booter->get(MyBoot::class);

var_dump($boot instanceof BootRegistry);
// bool(true)

use Tobento\Service\Booting\BootInterface;

$boot = $booter->getBoot(MyBoot::class);

var_dump($boot instanceof BootInterface);
// bool(true)

use Tobento\Service\Booting\BootRegistry;

$boots = $booter->getBoots();

foreach($boots as $boot) {
    var_dump($boot instanceof BootRegistry);
    // bool(true)

$booted = $booter->getBooted();

use Tobento\Service\Booting\Boot;

class MyBoot extends Boot

use Tobento\Service\Booting\Boot;

class MyBoot extends Boot
    public function boot(): void
        // Do something
    public function terminate(): void
        // Do something

use Tobento\Service\Booting\Boot;

class MyBoot extends Boot
    public const BOOT = [
    public function boot(AnotherBoot $boot): void
        // Do something

use Tobento\Service\Booting\Boot;

class MyBoot extends Boot
    public const PRIORITY = 2000;

use Tobento\Service\Booting\Boot;

class MyBoot extends Boot
    public const REBOOTABLE = ['terminate'];

use Tobento\Service\Booting\Boot;

class MyBoot extends Boot
    public const INFO = [
        'boot' => 'Some description what the boot method does.',
        'terminate' => 'Some description what the terminate method does.',