PHP code example of tmilos / value

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tmilos/value library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tmilos / value example snippets

class IntValue extends AbstractValue
    public static function isValid($value)
        return is_int($value);

$x = new IntValue(10); // ok
print $x->getValue(); // 10
$y = new IntValue(10);
var_dump($x->equal($y)); // true

$z = new IntValue('20'); // throws \UnexpectedValueException

class Gender extends AbstractEnum
    const MALE = 'male';
    const FEMALE = 'female';

    private static $titles = [
        self::MALE => 'gender.male',
        self::FEMALE => 'gender.female',

    public function getTitle()
        return self::$titles[$this->getValue()];

var_dump(Gender::all());    // ['male' => Gender() => 'female' => Gender() ]
var_dump(Gender::values()); // [ 0 => 'male', 1 => 'female' ]
$m = Gender::MALE();
print $m->getValue(); // male
print $m->getTitle(); // gender.male
var_dump(Gender::isValid('male')); // true
var_dump(Gender::isValid('something')); // false