PHP code example of tmarois / alpaca-php-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tmarois/alpaca-php-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tmarois / alpaca-php-sdk example snippets

use Alpaca\Alpaca;

$alpaca = new Alpaca("YOUR_API_KEY_ID", "YOUR_API_SECRET_KEY");

// this will pull a request from alpaca to get account details
$account = $alpaca->account();

// here are some helper methods to quickly get the details
$number = $account->number();
$id = $account->id();
$status = $account->status();
$buyingPower = $account->buyingPower();
$cash = $account->cash();
$longValue = $account->longValue();
$shortValue = $account->shortValue();
$portfolioValue = $account->portfolioValue();

// gets the raw array from Alpaca
// view documentation for the correct keys
$raw = $account->raw();

$order = $alpaca->orders()->get('ORDER_ID');

// get all open orders
$orders = $alpaca->orders()->getAll();

// get orders of specific types
// type: open, closed, or all
$orders = $alpaca->orders()->getAll($type,$limit,$dateFrom,$dateTo,$direction);

$orders = $alpaca->orders()->cancel('ORDER_ID);

$orders = $alpaca->orders()->cancelAll();

    // stock to purchase
    'symbol' => 'AAPL',

    // how many shares
    'qty' => 1,

    // buy or sell
    'side' => 'buy',

    // market, limit, stop, or stop_limit
    'type' => 'market',

    // day, gtc, opg, cls, ioc, fok.
    // @see
    'time_in_force' => 'day',


    'qty' => 1,

    // stop_limit
    // 'stop_price' => 0,

    // day, gtc, opg, cls, ioc, fok.
    // @see
    'time_in_force' => 'day',

    // optional if adding custom id
    // 'client_order_id' => ''

$position = $alpaca->positions()->get('SYMBOL');

$positions = $alpaca->positions()->getAll();



// type can be many, such as FILL, DIV, TRANS etc
// view on this page
$activity = $alpaca->activity()->get('TYPE');