PHP code example of tjn / mpdo

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tjn/mpdo library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tjn / mpdo example snippets

$config = [
    'dbms' => 'mysql',
    'host' => '',
    'port' => '3306',
    'dbname' => 'learn01',
    'user' => 'root',
    'password' => '123456',
$pdo = PdoClient::connect($config);


//1.二维数组 sql:select * from `plat_user` where (actor=1 and status=0)
        ['actor', '=', 1], 
        ['status', '=', 0]
//2.一维数组 sql:select * from `plat_user` where (actor=1)
    ->where(['actor', '=', 1]);
//3.分开传参 sql:select * from `plat_user` where (actor=1)
    ->where('actor', '=', 1);   

//1. sql:select * from `plat_user` where (actor=1 or status=0)
        ['actor', '=', 1], 
        ['status', '=', 0]

//1.三维数组传参 sql:select * from `plat_user` where (actor in (1,2,3) and status in(0,1))
        ['actor', [1,2,3]], 
        ['status', [0,1]]
//2.二维数组传参 sql:select * from `plat_user` where (actor in (1,2,3))
    ->whereIn(['actor', [1,2,3]]);
//2分开参数传参 sql:select * from `plat_user` where (actor in (1,2,3))
    ->whereIn('actor', [1,2,3]);  

//1.三维数组传参 sql:select * from `plat_user` where (actor in (1,2,3) OR status in (0,1))
        ['actor', [1,2,3]], 
        ['status', [0,1]]

//1.三维数组传参 sql:select * from `plat_user` where (actor not in (1,2,3) AND status not in (0,1))
        ['actor', [1,2,3]], 
        ['status', [0,1]]
//2.二维数组传参 sql:select * from `plat_user` where (actor not in (1,2,3))
    ->whereNotIn(['actor', [1,2,3]]);
//3.分开参数传参 sql:select * from `plat_user` where (actor not in (1,2,3))
    ->whereNotIn('actor', [1,2,3]);

//1.三维数组传参 sql:select * from `plat_user` where (actor not in (1,2,3) OR status not in (0,1))
        ['actor', [1,2,3]], 
        ['status', [0,1]]

//1.三维数组传参 sql:select * from `plat_user` where (actor=1 and status=0)
    ->whereRaw('actor=? and status=?', [1, 0]);

//1.sql:select * from `plat_user` where (actor=1 and status=0)  这里只是将组装的预处理sql用execute执行,并且返回 PDOStatement结构的数据
    ->whereRaw('actor=? and status=?', [1, 0])

    ->whereRaw('actor=? and status=?', [1, 0])

    ->whereRaw('actor=? and status=?', [1, 0])

//1.sql:select count(`id`) total from `plat_user` where (actor=1 and status=0) 但是count方法会直接返回int统计数
    ->whereRaw('actor=? and status=?', [1, 0])

//1.sql:select * from `plat_user` where (status=0) group by actor 
    ->where('status', 0)

//1.sql:select * from `plat_user` where (status=0) order by id desc 
    ->where('status', 0)
    ->orderBy('id desc')

$pdo->table('plat_user', 'u')
    ->join('plat_config_detail as p', '')
    ->join('plat_actor as m', '', 'LEFT')
    ->limit(0, 20)
    ->field(', u.account, p.upUser, p.configId,, as actor_name')

$data = [
    'account'    => 'xiaoming',
    'name'   => 'ming',
    'real_name'  => '小名',
    'password'   => '8ef7d5456ebff0b52316376c7649670d',
    'phone'   => '13800138000',
    'area' => 0,
    'actor' => 1,
    'permission' => '{"10000":["exchangerefund","phprun","buserinfo","operalog","catVerCode","channelconf","approveOper","approveLogs","approveApply","approveConfig"],"9999":["buserinfo","exchangerefund","phprun","exchangeship","applySend","catVerCode","actorAdmin","editAdmin","menuAdmin","area","confManager","robot"],"1":[]}',
    'status' => 2,
    'gameids' => '',
$id = $pdo->table('plat_user')

$data = [
    ['name' => 'test1', 'permission' => 'xxx', 'ctime' => time(), 'gameids' => ''],
    ['name' => 'test2', 'permission' => 'xxx', 'ctime' => time(), 'gameids' => ''],
    ['name' => 'test3', 'permission' => 'xxx', 'ctime' => time(), 'gameids' => ''],
    ['name' => 'test4', 'permission' => 'xxx', 'ctime' => time(), 'gameids' => ''],
    ['name' => 'test5', 'permission' => 'xxx', 'ctime' => time(), 'gameids' => ''],
    ['name' => 'test6', 'permission' => 'xxx', 'ctime' => time(), 'gameids' => ''],
    ['name' => 'test7', 'permission' => 'xxx', 'ctime' => time(), 'gameids' => ''],

$rowCount = $pdo->table('plat_actor')->insertAll($data);

$data = ['actor' => 1];
$status = $pdo->table('plat_user')
    ->where(['id', '=', 1])

$status = $pdo->table('plat_user')
            ->where([['id', '=', '56']])


