1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tiny-blocks/http library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
tiny-blocks / http example snippets
use TinyBlocks\Http\Code;
Code::OK->value; # 200
Code::OK->message(); # OK
Code::IM_A_TEAPOT->message(); # I'm a teapot
Code::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR->message(); # Internal Server Error
use TinyBlocks\Http\Code;
Code::isValidCode(code: 200); # true
Code::isValidCode(code: 999); # false
use TinyBlocks\Http\Code;
Code::isErrorCode(code: 500); # true
Code::isErrorCode(code: 200); # false
use TinyBlocks\Http\Code;
Code::isSuccessCode(code: 500); # false
Code::isSuccessCode(code: 200); # true
use TinyBlocks\Http\Response;
Response::ok(body: ['message' => 'Resource created successfully.']);
use TinyBlocks\Http\Response;
use TinyBlocks\Http\ContentType;
use TinyBlocks\Http\CacheControl;
use TinyBlocks\Http\ResponseCacheDirectives;
$body = 'This is a plain text response';
$contentType = ContentType::textPlain();
$cacheControl = CacheControl::fromResponseDirectives(
maxAge: ResponseCacheDirectives::maxAge(maxAgeInWholeSeconds: 10000),
staleIfError: ResponseCacheDirectives::staleIfError()
Response::ok($body, $contentType, $cacheControl)
->withHeader(name: 'X-ID', value: 100)
->withHeader(name: 'X-NAME', value: 'Xpto');
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