PHP code example of tingv / portable-utf8

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tingv/portable-utf8 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tingv / portable-utf8 example snippets

// Standard library
strtoupper('fòôbàř');       // 'FòôBàř'
strlen('fòôbàř');           // 10

// mbstring 
// WARNING: if you don't use a polyfill like "Portable UTF-8", you need to install the php-extension "mbstring" on your server
mb_strtoupper('fòôbàř');    // 'FÒÔBÀŘ'
mb_strlen('fòôbàř');        // '6'

// Portable UTF-8
use voku\helper\UTF8;
UTF8::strtoupper('fòôbàř');    // 'FÒÔBÀŘ'
UTF8::strlen('fòôbàř');        // '6'

// voku/Stringy
use Stringy\Stringy as S;
$stringy = S::create('fòôbàř');
$stringy->toUpperCase();    // 'FÒÔBÀŘ'
$stringy->length();         // '6'


  echo UTF8::cleanup('�Düsseldorf�');
  // will output:
  // Düsseldorf

  $string = 'string <strong>with utf-8 chars åèä</strong> - doo-bee doo-bee dooh';

  echo strlen($string) . "\n<br />";
  echo UTF8::strlen($string) . "\n<br />";

  // will output:
  // 70
  // 67

  $string_test1 = strip_tags($string);
  $string_test2 = UTF8::strip_tags($string);

  echo strlen($string_test1) . "\n<br />";
  echo UTF8::strlen($string_test2) . "\n<br />";

  // will output:
  // 53
  // 50

  echo UTF8::fix_utf8('Düsseldorf');
  echo UTF8::fix_utf8('ä');
  // will output:
  // Düsseldorf
  // ä