PHP code example of timostamm / symfony-twirp-handler

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download timostamm/symfony-twirp-handler library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


timostamm / symfony-twirp-handler example snippets

// SearchServiceController.php
 * @Route("/twirp/SearchService")
class SearchServiceController
    use TwirpControllerTrait;

     * @Route("/MakeHat")
    public function makeHat(Request $request): Response
        /** @var SearchRequest $input */
        $input = $this->readTwirp($request, SearchRequest::class);
        // ...
        $output = new SearchResponse();
        // ...

        return $this->writeTwirp($request, $output);


// SearchService.php
class SearchService implements SearchServiceInterface

    public function search(SearchRequest $request)
        $response = new SearchResponse();
        $response->setHits(['a', 'b', 'c']);
        return $response;


// TwirpController.php
 * @Route( path="twirp/{serviceName}/{methodName}" )
public function execute(RequestInterface $request, string $serviceName, string $methodName): Response
    $resolver = new ServiceResolver();
        SearchServiceInterface::class, // the interface generated by protoc 
        new SearchService() // your implementation of the interface
    // alternatively, you can register a factory
    // $resolver->registerFactory(SearchServiceInterface::class, function() {
    //    return new SearchService();
    // });
    // .. or a PSR container with $resolver->registerContainer()

    $handler = new TwirpHandler($resolver);

    return $handler->handle($serviceName, $methodName, $request);
protoc --proto_path protos/ --php_out out-php protos/example-service.proto
// example-service.proto
syntax = "proto3";

option php_generic_services = true;

service SearchService {
    rpc Search (SearchRequest) returns (SearchResponse);