PHP code example of timohubois / post-type-and-taxonomy-archive-pages
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download timohubois/post-type-and-taxonomy-archive-pages library. Choose the download type require. 2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php. 3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
timohubois / post-type-and-taxonomy-archive-pages example snippets
* Retrieves the post object for a given post type's archive page.
* @param string|null $postType The post type to retrieve the archive page for.
* @return WP_Post|null WP_Post on success, or null on failure.
function getCustomPostTypeArchivePage(?string $postType = null): ?\WP_Post
$postType = $postType ?? getCurrentQueryPostType();
if ($postType === null) {
return null;
$postTypeObject = get_post_type_object($postType);
if (!$postTypeObject || !$postTypeObject->has_archive) {
return null;
$archiveSlug = $postTypeObject->has_archive;
if (!is_string($archiveSlug)) {
return null;
$archivePage = get_page_by_path($archiveSlug);
return ($archivePage instanceof \WP_Post) ? $archivePage : null;
* Retrieves the current post type from the global $wp_query object.
* @return string|null The current post type, or null if not found.
function getCurrentQueryPostType(): ?string
global $wp_query;
return $wp_query->query['post_type'] ?? null;
$archivePage = getCustomPostTypeArchivePage('your_custom_post_type');
if ($archivePage) {
echo "Archive page title: " . $archivePage->post_title;
echo "Archive page ID: " . $archivePage->ID;
echo "Archive page URL: " . get_permalink($archivePage->ID);
} else {
echo "No archive page found for this post type.";