PHP code example of timfeid / slack

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download timfeid/slack library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


timfeid / slack example snippets

// Quick istantiation
$client = new TimFeid\Slack\Client('');

// Instantiate with default params
$pamas = [
    'username' => 'Tim Feid',
    'channel' => '#general',
    'unfurl_media' => true,

$client = new TimFeid\Slack\Client('', $params);

// Explicitly create a default message
$message = $client->createMessage();

// Set parameters on the message
$message->text = 'This is the text';
$message->icon = ':slack:';

// Or like this
$message['text'] = 'This is the text';

// Or using fluent methods
$message->write('This is the text')->icon(':slack:')->from('username')->to('channel');

// Create a default message from text
$message = $client->write('The text here');

// Create a message with all the parameters you wish to send
$params = [
    'username' => 'Tim Feid',
    'channel' => '#general',
    'text' => 'It\'s happening!',
    'icon' => ':poop:',
    'attachments' => [
            'fallback' => 'This is fallback text',
            'text' => 'Some text on the attachment',
            'image_url' => '',
            'fields' => [
                'title' => 'Field title',
                'value' => 'Field value',
                'short' => false,
$message = $client->createMessage($params);

$client->send('Hello world!');

$client->to('#general')->send('Hello world!');


// Implicitly
$message = $message->write('This is the text')->to('channel/@username')->from('username')->icon(':slack:');

// Explicitly
$message->to('channel/@username')->from('username')->icon(':slack:')->send('This is the text');