PHP code example of tigitz / php-spellchecker

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tigitz/php-spellchecker library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tigitz / php-spellchecker example snippets

// if you made the default aspell installation on your local machine
$aspell = Aspell::create();

// or if you want to use binaries from Docker
$aspell = new Aspell(new CommandLine(['docker','run','--rm', '-i', 'starefossen/aspell']));

$misspellings = $aspell->check('mispell', ['en_US'], ['from_example']);
foreach ($misspellings as $misspelling) {
    $misspelling->getWord(); // 'mispell'
    $misspelling->getLineNumber(); // '1'
    $misspelling->getOffset(); // '0'
    $misspelling->getSuggestions(); // ['misspell', ...]
    $misspelling->getContext(); // ['from_example']

// My custom text processor that replaces "_" by " "
$customTextProcessor = new class implements TextProcessorInterface
    public function process(TextInterface $text): TextInterface
        $contentProcessed = str_replace('_', ' ', $text->getContent());

        return $text->replaceContent($contentProcessed);

$misspellingFinder = new MisspellingFinder(
    Aspell::create(), // Creates aspell spellchecker pointing to "aspell" as it's binary path
    new EchoHandler(), // Handles all the misspellings found by echoing their information

// using a string
$misspellingFinder->find('It\'s_a_mispelling', ['en_US']);
// word: mispelling | line: 1 | offset: 7 | suggestions: mi spelling,mi-spelling,misspelling | context: []

// using a TextSource
$inMemoryTextProvider = new class implements SourceInterface
    public function toTexts(array $context): iterable
        yield new Text('my_mispell', ['from_source_interface']);
        // t() is a shortcut for new Text()
        yield t('my_other_mispell', ['from_named_constructor']);

$misspellingFinder->find($inMemoryTextProvider, ['en_US']);
//word: mispell | line: 1 | offset: 3 | suggestions: mi spell,mi-spell,misspell,... | context: ["from_source_interface"]
//word: mispell | line: 1 | offset: 9 | suggestions: mi spell,mi-spell,misspell,... | context: ["from_named_constructor"]
$ PHP_VERSION=8.2 DEPS=LOWEST WITH_COVERAGE="true" make tests-dox