PHP code example of thruster / packet-handler

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download thruster/packet-handler library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


thruster / packet-handler example snippets

use Thruster\Component\EventLoop\EventLoop;
use Thruster\Component\Socket\SocketPair;
use Thruster\Component\PacketHandler\Packet;
use Thruster\Component\PacketHandler\PacketHandler;
use Thruster\Component\PacketHandler\StreamHandler;

class PingPacket extends Packet
    const NAME = 'ping';

    public function __construct()

class PongPacket extends Packet
    const NAME = 'pong';

    private $pid;

    public function __construct()
        $this->pid = posix_getpid();


     * @return int
    public function getPid()
        return $this->pid;

$loop = new EventLoop();

$socketPair = new SocketPair($loop);

$packetHandler = new PacketHandler();
$packetHandler->addHandler(PingPacket::NAME, function (PingPacket $packet) {
    $packet->getStreamHandler()->send(new PongPacket());

$packetHandler->addHandler(PongPacket::NAME, function (PongPacket $packet) {
    echo posix_getpid() . ': Received PONG from ' . $packet->getPid() . PHP_EOL;

if (pcntl_fork() > 0) {
    $connection = $socketPair->useLeft();

    $packetHandler->addProvider(new StreamHandler($connection));

    $loop->addPeriodicTimer(2, function () use ($packetHandler) {
        $packetHandler->dispatch(new PingPacket());


} else {

    $connection = $socketPair->useRight();

    $packetHandler->addProvider(new StreamHandler($connection));
