PHP code example of thinktomorrow / url
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download thinktomorrow/url library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
require_once ('vendor/autoload.php' );
thinktomorrow / url example snippets
\Thinktomorrow\Url\Url::fromString('' );
\Thinktomorrow\Url\Url::fromString('' )->getScheme();
\Thinktomorrow\Url\Url::fromString('' )->getHost();
\Thinktomorrow\Url\Url::fromString('' )->getPort();
\Thinktomorrow\Url\Url::fromString('' )->getPath();
\Thinktomorrow\Url\Url::fromString('' )->getQuery();
\Thinktomorrow\Url\Url::fromString('' )->getHash();
Url::fromString('' )->secure()->get();
Url::fromString('' )->nonSecure()->get();
Url::fromString('' )->nonSecure()->get();
Url::fromString('' )
->setCustomRoot(Root::fromString('' ))
Url::fromString('' )
->localize('en' )
Url::fromString('' )
->localize('fr' , ['en' ,'fr' ])
Url::fromString('' )
->localize(null , ['en' ,'fr' ])