1. Go to this page and download the library: Download think.studio/nova-thinkit library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
think.studio / nova-thinkit example snippets
public function actions(NovaRequest $request)
return [
(new \NovaThinKit\Nova\Actions\LoginToDifferentGuard(
__('Login to owner dashboard'),
__('Are you sure you want to continue?'),
// optional callback how to find correct user
->findIdUsing(fn (Contact $model) => Owner::query()->where('contact_id', $model->getKey())->first()?->getKey())
// other default method actions...
->canRun(fn ($request, Contact $model) => $model->role === "owner"),
use NovaThinKit\Nova\Actions\LoginToDifferentGuard;
public function actions(NovaRequest $request)
return [
( \NovaThinKit\Nova\Actions\SendResetPasswordEmail::make('contacts', __('Send reset password'), __('Are you sure you want to continue?')))
// optional callback how to find correct user
->findIdUsing(fn (Contact $model) => Owner::query()->where('contact_id', $model->getKey())->first()?->getKey())
// other default method actions...
->canRun(fn ($request, Contact $model) => $model->role === "owner"),
'Active' => 'active',
'Paused' => 'paused',
] /* options */, 'status' /* column to filter */, 'Status' /* title */),
// Useful with HumanReadable enums:
\NovaThinKit\Nova\Filters\DynamicBooleanFilter::make(array_flip(CompanyStatus::options()), 'status', 'Status'),
use NovaThinKit\Nova\Filters\BelongsToFilter;
public function filters(NovaRequest $request)
return [
// type - this is belongsTo() relation method name
new BelongsToFilter('type'),
// or
(new BelongsToFilter('type'))->setTitleKeyName('title'),
// or
(new BelongsToFilter('type'))->setFilterName('Filter by type'),
public function filters(NovaRequest $request)
return [
->setTitleKeyName('name' /* label key name */)
->setFilterName('By tag'),
public function fields(NovaRequest $request)
$metaFieldUpdater = new \NovaThinKit\Nova\Helpers\MetaFieldUpdater(
'metaData' /* hasMany relation method name */,
'key' /* key name in neta table */,
'value' /* data name in neta table */
return [
Select::make('University', 'university')->options(University::options())
// ALso works with flexible
Flexible::make('Ethos list', 'cf-numeric_list_with_team')
class Page extends Resource
use \NovaThinKit\FeatureImage\Nova\HasFeatureImage;
// ... other methods
public function fields(NovaRequest $request)
return [
// other fields
namespace App\Nova\ResourceTemplates\Pages;
use NovaThinKit\Nova\Helpers\MetaFieldUpdater;
use NovaThinKit\Nova\ResourceTemplates\ResourceTemplate;
class HomePageTemplate extends ResourceTemplate
public function fields(NovaRequest $request): array
$metaUpdater = new MetaFieldUpdater('meta', 'key', 'value');
return [
Text::make('Some Custom text', 'some_custom_text')
Text::make('Custom text', 'custom_text')
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
\NovaThinKit\Nova\ResourceTemplates\TemplateFinder::templatesMap(Page::class, [
'home' => HomePageTemplate::class,
'contact' => ContactPageTemplate::class,
class Page extends Resource
use \NovaThinKit\Nova\ResourceTemplates\HasTemplate;
public function fields(NovaRequest $request)
return [
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