PHP code example of thepublicgood / yerp

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download thepublicgood/yerp library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


thepublicgood / yerp example snippets

use TPG\Yerp\Rules;

class User
    public string $firstName;
    public ?string $lastName = null;
    #[Rules\Required, Rules\Email]
    public string $emailAddress;
    public boolean $active;

class UserController
    public function create()
        // Create a new object instance
        $user = new User();
        $user->firstName = 'John';
        $user->lastName = 'Doe';
        $user->emailAddress = '[email protected]';
        $user->active = false;

        // Pass to the validator
        $validated = (new Validator($user))->validate();

$validated = (new Validator($user))->validate();



$validated->property('firstName', Rule\Required::class)->passed();

#[Rule\Nullable, Rules\Email(last: true), Rule\Equal('[email protected]')]
public string $emailAddress;

#[Rules\Email(failure: 'Must be a valid email address')]
public string $email;

$validated->property('email', Rules\Email::class)->message();

    success: 'The email address is valid!',    // Success
    failure: 'Must be a valid email address',  // Failed
public string $email;

property ?string $someString;

property string $someString;

property array $someArray;

property bool $mustBeTrue;

propert ?string $someString;

property string $emailAddress;

#[Rules\In(['a', 'b', 'c'])]
property string $someString;

#[Rules\Length(min: 5, max: 20)]
property string $someString;

property string $someString;

property string $regexString;

namespace CustomRules;

use Attribute;
use TPG\Yerp\Rules\AbstractRule;
use TPG\Yerp\Result;

class HyphenatedRule extends AbstractRule
    public function validate(mixed $value): Result
        return $this->getResult(str_contains((string)$value, '-'));

use CustomRules\Hyphenated;

class Article
    public string $title;
    public string $slug;

namespace CustomRules;

use Attribute;
use TPG\Yerp\Rules\AbstractRule;
use TPG\Yerp\Result;

use DelimitedRule extends AbstractRule
    public function __construct(protected string $delimiter = ',')

    public function validate(string $value): Result
        return $this->getResult(str_contains($value, $this->delimited));