PHP code example of themsaid / laravel-model-transformers

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download themsaid/laravel-model-transformers library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


themsaid / laravel-model-transformers example snippets

class SomeController{
	function getIndex(){
		$product = Product::find(1);
		return response([
			"product" => ProductTransformer::transform($product)

class CategoryTransformer extends Themsaid\Transformers\AbstractTransformer
    public function transformModel(Model $item)
        $output = [
            'name'		=> $item->name,
            'type'		=> [
            		'key'	=> $item->type,
            		'name'	=> $item->typeName

        return $output;


return response(
	CategoryTransformer::transform( Category::find(1) )

return response(
	CategoryTransformer::transform( Category::all() )

class ProductTransformer extends AbstractTransformer
    public function transformModel(Model $item)
        $output = array_only($item->toArray(), ['name', 'id']);

        if ($this->isRelationshipLoaded($item, 'tags')) {
            $output['tags'] = TagTransformer::transform($item->tags);

        return $output;

class TagTransformer extends AbstractTransformer
    public function transformModel(Model $item)
        $output = array_only($item->toArray(), ['name', 'id']);

        if ($this->isLoadedFromPivotTable($item, 'products_tags')) {
            $output['relationship_data'] = [
                'is_active' => $item->pivot->is_active,

        return $output;

CategoryTransformer::transform($category, ['hide_admin_id' => true])

class CategoryTransformer extends AbstractTransformer
    public function transformModel(Model $item)
    	$output = [];
		if (@$this->options['hide_admin_id']) {
		return $output;

class SomeController{
	function getIndex(){
		$product = Product::find(1);

		return response([
			"product" => transform($product)

transform(Model::find(1), ['use_nl2br' => true])

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Themsaid\Transformers\TransformersServiceProvider"