PHP code example of thelia / easy-order-manager-module

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download thelia/easy-order-manager-module library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


thelia / easy-order-manager-module example snippets

//Example : 

class EasyOrderManagerListener implements EventSubscriberInterface

    public function addFieldsToTemplate( TemplateFieldEvent $event)

    public function addFilterOnQuery( BeforeFilterEvent $event)
        $filters =$event->getRequest()->get('filter');
        $search = $event->getQuery();
        if ("" !== $filters['item_to_filter']) {
            //update $search to filter with the data in $filters['item_to_filter']

    public function updateColumnDefinition( TemplateColumnDefinitionEvent $event)
               'name' => 'id_column',
               'targets' => 6, //index of column
               'title' => 'title_column',
               'orderable' => false, // /!\ orderable is not manageable for the moment always set false
               'className' => "text-center",// class applied to the column
               'render' => "defaultRender", // name of the js function when render data
               'parseOrderData'=>  function(Order $order){
                    //return the data wich will be used in the render function
       // /!\ targets and the index param must be the same.
    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [
            BeforeFilterEvent::ORDER_MANAGER_BEFORE_FILTER => ['addFilterOnQuery'],
            TemplateFieldEvent::ORDER_MANAGER_TEMPLATE_FIELD => ['addFieldsToTemplate'],
            TemplateColumnDefinitionEvent::ORDER_MANAGER_TEMPLATE_COLUMN_DEFINITION => ['updateColumnDefinition'],