PHP code example of thejawker / laravel-deployer

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download thejawker/laravel-deployer library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


thejawker / laravel-deployer example snippets

# config/deployer.php

return [

    | The Name of the Deployment Script

    'script-name' => '',

    | Notifications Settings
    | These are your notification settings. For now we only support the
    | Slack platform to send Notifications.

    'slack-channel' => 'some-channel',
    'slack-url' => 'http://some-domain.xx',

    | Environment Notification Level
    | You can add an array with the various levels where you like to
    | receive notifications. Adding just ['production'] will only
    | send notifications when deploying on the production env.

    'env-level' => ['*'],

    | Duration Warning Time Threshold
    | If the deployment takes longer than this amount of time, the
    | message will be sent with a warning to the Slack Channel.
    | Value is in seconds.

    'warn-after' => 20,

    | Commands
    | Here you can define the commands you want to run. They run in
    | order of addition. They will be wrapped

    'commands' => [
        'initialize' => [


        'set-up' => [
            'php artisan down'

        'deploy' => [
            'git pull'

        'post-deploy' => [
            'php artisan up',
            'php artisan config:cache',
            'php artisan route:cache',
            'php artisan view:clear',
            'php artisan horizon:terminate'

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=deployer-config
$ php artisan deployer