PHP code example of thecodingmachine / cache-utils
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download thecodingmachine/cache-utils library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
thecodingmachine / cache-utils example snippets
use TheCodingMachine\CacheUtils\FileBoundCache;
$fileBoundCache = new FileBoundCache($psr6Cache);
// Put the $myDataToCache object in cache.
// If 'FooBar.php' and 'FooBaz.php' are modified, the cache item is purged.
$fileBoundCache->set('cache_key', $myDataToCache,
// Fetching data
$myDataToCache = $fileBoundCache->get('cache_key');
use TheCodingMachine\CacheUtils\FileBoundCache;
use TheCodingMachine\CacheUtils\FileBoundMemoryAdapter;
$fileBoundCache = new FileBoundMemoryAdapter(new FileBoundCache($psr6Cache));
use TheCodingMachine\CacheUtils\FileBoundCache;
use TheCodingMachine\CacheUtils\ClassBoundCache;
$fileBoundCache = new FileBoundCache($psr6Cache);
$classBoundCache = new ClassBoundCache($fileBoundCache);
// Put the $myDataToCache object in cache.
// If the FooBar class is modified, the cache item is purged.
$classBoundCache->set('cache_key', $myDataToCache, new ReflectionClass(FooBar::class));
// Fetching data
$myDataToCache = $classBoundCache->get('cache_key');
class ClassBoundCache implements ClassBoundCacheInterface
public function __construct(FileBoundCacheInterface $fileBoundCache, bool $analyzeParentClasses = true, bool $analyzeTraits = true, bool $analyzeInterfaces = false)
use TheCodingMachine\CacheUtils\ClassBoundCache;
use TheCodingMachine\CacheUtils\ClassBoundMemoryAdapter;
$classBoundCache = new ClassBoundMemoryAdapter(new ClassBoundCache($psr6Cache));
use TheCodingMachine\CacheUtils\FileBoundCache;
use TheCodingMachine\CacheUtils\ClassBoundCache;
use TheCodingMachine\CacheUtils\ClassBoundMemoryAdapter;
use TheCodingMachine\CacheUtils\ClassBoundCacheContract;
$fileBoundCache = new FileBoundCache($psr6Cache);
$classBoundCache = new ClassBoundMemoryAdapter(new ClassBoundCache($psr6Cache));
$classBoundCacheContract = new ClassBoundCacheContract(new ClassBoundCache($fileBoundCache));
// If the FooBar class is modified, the cache item is purged.
$item = $classBoundCache->get(new ReflectionClass(FooBar::class), function() {
// ...
// let's return the item to be cached.
// this function is called only if the item is not in cache yet.
return $item;
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