PHP code example of testmonitor / slack-client
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download testmonitor/slack-client library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
testmonitor / slack-client example snippets
$oauth = [
'clientId' => '12345',
'clientSecret' => 'abcdef',
'redirectUri' => '',
$slack = new \TestMonitor\Slack\Client($oauth);
header('Location: ' . $slack->authorizationUrl('incoming-webhook', 'state'));
$oauth = [
'clientId' => '12345',
'clientSecret' => 'abcdef',
'redirectUri' => '',
$slack = new \TestMonitor\Slack\Client($oauth);
$token = $slack->fetchToken($_REQUEST['code']);
var_dump ($token->getValues());
array() {
["ok"] => true
["app_id"] => "APPID"
["authed_user"] => array(1) {}
["scope"] => "incoming-webhook"
["token_type"] => "bot"
["bot_user_id"] => "USERID"
["team"] => array(2) {}
["enterprise"] => null
["is_enterprise_install"] => false
["incoming_webhook"] => array(4) {
["channel"] => "#testmonitor"
["channel_id"] => "CHANNELID"
["configuration_url"] => ""
["url"] => ""
$oauth = ['clientId' => '12345', 'clientSecret' => 'abcdef', 'redirectUri' => ''];
$token = new \TestMonitor\Slack\Token('eyJ0...', '0/34ccc...', 1574600877); // the token you got last time
$slack = new \TestMonitor\Slack\Client($oauth, $token);
if ($token->expired()) {
$newToken = $slack->refreshToken();
$message = Kit::newMessage()->text('Hello world!');
$slack->postMessage('https://webhook.url/', $message);
$user = (object) ['name' => 'John Doe'];
$message = Kit::newMessage()
->tap(function (Message $message) {
->mrkdwnText("*{$user->name}* created a new issue");
->tap(function (Message $message) {
->mrkdwnText('Status: *Open*')
->mrkdwnText('Priority: *High*')
->mrkdwnText('Resolution: *Unresolved*');
$slack->postMessage('https://webhook.url/', $message);