PHP code example of terminal42 / contao-fineuploader

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download terminal42/contao-fineuploader library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


terminal42 / contao-fineuploader example snippets

$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_table']['fields']['myupload'] = [
    'label'     => &$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_table']['myupload'],
    'exclude'   => true,
    'inputType' => 'fineUploader',
    'eval'      => [
        'multiple'          => true,                        // Allow multiple files to be uploaded
        'storeFile'         => true,                        // Store the files on the server
        'uploadFolder'      => 'files/uploads',             // Upload target directory (can also be a Contao file system UUID)
        'useHomeDir'        => true,                        // Upload to the current logged in member home directory (overrides "uploadFolder", can also be a Contao file system UUID)
        'uploaderLimit'     => 4,                           // Maximum files that can be uploaded
        'maxConnections'    => 3                            // Maximum allowable concurrent requests
        'addToDbafs'        => true,                        // Add files to the database assisted file system
        'doNotOverwrite'    => true,                        // Do not overwrite files in destination folder
        'debug'             => true                         // Enable the debug mode (always true in development environment)

        // Validation
        'extensions'        => 'pdf,zip',                   // Allowed extension types
        'minlength'         => 1048000,                     // Minimum file size
        'maxlength'         => 2048000,                     // Maximum file size (ignored if you use chunking!)
        'minWidth'          => 400,                         // Minimum image width
        'maxWidth'          => 800,                         // Maximum image width
        'minHeight'         => 300,                         // Minimum image height
        'maxHeight'         => 600,                         // Maximum image height

        // Chunking
        'chunking'          => true,                        // Enable chunking
        'chunkSize'         => 2000000,                     // Chunk size in bytes
        'concurrent'        => true                         // Allow multiple chunks to be uploaded simultaneously per file

        // Rendering
        'imageSize'         => [160, 120, 'center_center'], // Thumbnail image size that is generated upon image upload
        'isGallery'         => true,                        // Display the widget as image gallery
        'isDownloads'       => true,                        // Display the widget as file list
        'sortable'          => true,                        // Make the uploaded files sortable
        'uploadButtonTitle' => 'Upload',                    // Custom upload button title

        // Upload the files directly to the destination folder. If not set, then the files are first uploaded
        // to the temporary folder and moved to the destination folder only when the form is submitted
        'directUpload'      => true,
    'sql' => "blob NULL"