PHP code example of teqneers / ext-application

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download teqneers/ext-application library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


teqneers / ext-application example snippets

$config = \TQ\ExtJS\Application\Configuration\ApplicationConfiguration(
    __DIR__ . '/../my-app',     // the absolute path to the Ext JS application workspace
    '../my-app',                // the relative path from the public web-facing directory to the Ext JS application workspace
    __DIR__,                    // the absolute path to the public web-facing directory
    '/'                         // the relative path from the  public web-facing directory to the root directory used for production build artifacts (usually /)

// add a default build
    'default',          // the build name (just for referencing the build)
    '/',                // the application path relative to the Ext JS application workspace (usually / unless you have multiple applications and/or packages in a single workspace)
    'app',              // the application path relative to the root directory used for production build artifacts
    'manifest.json',    // the build manifest filename for development builds
    'bootstrap.js',     // the micro-loader filename for development builds
    null,               // the application cache manifest filename for development builds (usually NULL)
    'bootstrap.json',   // the build manifest filename for production builds
    'bootstrap.js',     // the micro-loader filename for production builds
    'cache.appcache'    // the application cache manifest filename fro production builds

$application = new \TQ\ExtJS\Application\Application(
    new \TQ\ExtJS\Application\Manifest\ManifestLoader(),
    'dev' // dev or prod depending on wether you want to run from development or drom production build

$microLoader = $application->getMicroLoaderFile(); // returns a \SplFileInfo for the configured micro-loader
$hasAppCache = $application->hasAppCache();
if ($hasAppCache) {
    $appCache = $application->getAppCacheFile(); // returns a \SplFileInfo for the configured application cache manifest
$manifest    = $application->getManifest('/htdocs'); // returns a \TQ\ExtJS\Application\Manifest\Manifest configured correctly when running document root on your application base path

echo $manifest; // outputs the manifest