PHP code example of teppokoivula / search-engine

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download teppokoivula/search-engine library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


teppokoivula / search-engine example snippets

if ($q = $sanitizer->selectorValue($input->get->q)) {
    // This finds pages matching the query string and returns them as a PageArray:
    $results = $pages->find('search_index%=' . $q . ', limit=25');

    // Render results and pager with PageArray::render() and PageArray::renderPager():
    echo $results->render(); // PageArray::render()
    echo $results->renderPager(); // PageArray::renderPager()

    // ... or you iterate over the results and render them manually:
    echo "<ul>";
    foreach ($results as $result) {
        echo "<li><a href='{$result->url}'>{$result->title}</a></li>";
    echo "</ul>";

// This performs the query and returns a \SearchEngine\Query object:
$query = $modules->get('SearchEngine')->find($input->get->q);

// This object can be rendered manually, or you can use \SearchEngine\Renderer to render it:
// (First param is an array of custom arguments, second is the Query object.)
echo $modules->get('SearchEngine')->renderResults([], $query);

// All indexable pages:

// Indexable pages matching a selector string:

// Alternatively index just a single page (passing in a Page object):

$config->SearchEngine = [

    // Index field defines the field to store indexed data in. Default value is "search_index".
    'index_field' => 'search_index',

    // This is an array of all the fields you want to index. Currently there is no way to
    // index "all compatible fields", but such an option may be added in the future. (This
    // is, in fact, a matter of security: by indexing *all* fields you could inadvertently
    // expose sensitive data.)
    'indexed_fields' => [
        // ...

    // This is an array of fieldtypes that the module should be considered compatible with.
    // You should only modify these values if you're sure that the field in question is
    // indeed compatible with the indexing process.
    'compatible_fieldtypes' => [
        // ...

    // Currently prefixes contains just the "link" prefix – more may be added in the future.
    'prefixes' => [
        // The "link" prefix is added to indexed links and enables "link:https://..." queries.
        'link' => 'link:',

    // Find arguments are pretty self-explanatory. These are the defaults and apply only to
    // SearchEngine::find(); custom selectors are not affected.
    'find_args' => [
        'limit' => 20,
        'sort' => 'sort',
        'operator' => '*=',
        'query_param' => 'q',
        // The "selector_extra" option is appended to automatically generated selector string.
        // You might use this to, for example, return just a subset of all indexed templates.
        'selector_extra' => '',

    // This array is passed directly to the MarkupPagerNav core module, see
    // for more details.
    'pager_args' => [
        // ...

    // Render arguments affect the rendered output from the SearchEngine module.
    'render_args' => [

        // At the moment there's only one "theme" available ("default").
        'theme' => 'default',

        // By default theme-files (styles and scripts) are served minified; setting
        // this option to `false` will serve unmodified, original assets instead.
        'minified_resources' => true,

        // Various attributes used by the search form and results list when rendered.
        'form_action' => './',
        'form_id' => 'se-form',
        'form_input_id' => 'se-form-input',
        'results_summary_id' => 'se-results-summary',
        'results_id' => 'se-results',

        // Summary of each result (in the search results list) is the value of this field.
        'result_summary_field' => 'summary',

        // Highlighting basically wraps each instance of the search term in the summary
        // text with a predefined tag and class (default element is `<strong></strong>`).
        'results_highlight_query' => true,

        // These settings define the fields used when search results are rendered as JSON.
        'results_json_fields' => [
            'title' => 'title',
            'desc' => 'summary',
            'url' => 'url',

        // This integer is passed to the json_encode call in renderResultsJSON method.
        // See for supported values.
        'results_json_options' => 0,

        // This defines whether a pager should be rendered at the end of the results list.
        'pager' => true,

        // Array of classes to use in templates. You can add new classes here as well.
        'classes' => [
            // ...

        // Array of strings to use in templates. You can add new classes here as well. Note
        // that most of these are `null` in the $defaultOptions array; the reason for this
        // is simply that methods cannot be called when declaring class properties, so the
        // values are set in SearchEngine::__construct().
        'strings' => [
            // ...

        // Template strings. These are used to render markup on the site.
        'templates' => [
            // ...


    // Currently the 

 namespace ProcessWire; 

 namespace ProcessWire; 

 namespace ProcessWire;
$searchEngine = $modules->get('SearchEngine');
    <?= $searchEngine->renderStyles() 

// Get the SearchEngine module.
$se = $modules->get('SearchEngine');

// Find pages matching our keyword ("composer"). You could also omit the query and let SearchEngine
// grab the keyword from the configured query GET param (if present).
$query = $se->find('composer');

// Return results as JSON.
$json = $se->renderResultsJSON([
    'results_json_fields' => [
        'title' => 'title',
        'desc' => 'summary',
        'url' => 'url',
        'parent' => 'parent.title',
        'template' => 'template.label',
    'results_json_options' => JSON_PRETTY_PRINT,
], $query);


 namespace ProcessWire;

$theme_args = [
    'theme_styles' => [
        // array of styles, such as:
            'name' => 'style',
            'ext' => 'css',
    'theme_scripts' => [
        // array of scripts, such as:
            'name' => 'script',
            'ext' => 'js',
    'render_args' => [
        // array of render arguments, such as:
        'form_id' => 'my-search-form',
        'strings' => [
            'results_heading' => __('Custom results heading'),
    'pager_args' => [
        // array of pager options