PHP code example of teppokoivula / markup-menu

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download teppokoivula/markup-menu library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


teppokoivula / markup-menu example snippets

echo $modules->get('MarkupMenu')->render([
    'root_page' => $pages->get(1),
    'current_page' => $page,

echo $modules->get('MarkupMenu')->render([
    'current_page' => $page,
    'menu_items' => [
            'title' => 'Home',
            'url' => '/',
            'id' => 1,
            'title' => 'Search',
            'url' => '/search/',
            'id' => 26,
            'title' => 'About',
            'url' => '/about/',
            'id' => 29,

$config->MarkupMenu = [

    // 'root_page' is the starting point for the menu. This is optional if you provide 'menu_items'
    // instead, but leaving *both* empty will make MarkupMenu::render() return an empty string.
    'root_page' => null,

    // 'menu_items' is an optional, prepopulated PageArray of first level menu items.
    'menu_items' => null,

    // 'current' page is the current or active menu page.
    'current_page' => null,

    // 'templates' define the template strings used for rendering individual parts of the menu:
    // - the semantic <nav> element that acts as a wrapper for the menu ('nav'),
    // - the lists wrapping the menu items and the subtrees within it ('list'),
    // - the list items wrapping menu branches ('list_item'),
    // - the items (links) in the menu ('item')
    // - the active item ('item_current')
    // special placeholder values supported by default and populated while rendering the menu:
    // - {classes}: all default classes applied, including template class, current class, etc.
    // - {class}: the template class only, mostly useful for adding a prefix to other classes
    // - {item}: the item itself, i.e. a Page object and all its field values andproperties
    // - {level}: the level of current item, represented by an integer starting from 1
    // As of MarkupMenu 0.11.0 you can alternatively provide a callable (or an anonymous function)
    // that returns the template string in question. This callback function receives the menu item
    // and the options array as its arguments.
    'templates' => [
        'nav' => '<nav class="{classes}">%s</nav>',
        'list' => '<ul class="{classes} {class}--level-{level}">%s</ul>',
        'list_item' => '<li class="{classes} {class}--level-{level}">%s</li>',
        'item' => '<a href="{item.url}" class="{classes} {class}--level-{level}">{item.title}</a>',
        'item_current' => '<span class="{classes} {class}--level-{level}">{item.title}</span>',

    // '
    'classes' => [
        // 'page_id' => '&--page-id-', // note: page_id is disabled by default!
        'nav' => 'menu',
        'list' => 'menu__list',
        'list_item' => 'menu__list-item',
        'item' => 'menu__item',
        'item_current' => 'menu__item',
        'current' => '&--current',
        'parent' => '&--parent',
        'has_children' => '&--has-children',

    // 'array_item_keys' are used to pull data from menu items when an array of menu items (arrays)
    // is provided via the 'menu_items' option.
    'array_item_keys' => [
        'id' => 'id',
        'is_current' => 'is_current',
        'is_parent' => 'is_parent',
        'children' => 'children',