PHP code example of tenjuu99 / wp-resta

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tenjuu99/wp-resta library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tenjuu99 / wp-resta example snippets

    'routeDirectory' => [
        [__DIR__ . '/vendor/wp/resta/src/REST/Example/Routes', 'Wp\\Resta\\REST\\Example\\Routes\\', 'example']
    'use-swagger' => true,
    'schemaDirectory' => [
        [__DIR__ . '/vendor/wp/resta/src/REST/Example/Schemas', 'Wp\\Resta\\REST\\Example\\Schemas\\'],

namespace MyREST\Routes;

use Wp\Resta\REST\AbstractRoute;

class HelloWorld extends AbstractRoute
    public $body = 'Hello, world!';

namespace MyREST\Routes;

use Wp\Resta\REST\AbstractRoute;

class HelloWorld extends AbstractRoute
    protected const ROUTE = 'hello/[name]';
    protected const URL_PARAMS = [
        'name' => 'string',

    public function callback(string $name) : string
        return "Hello, ${name}!";

    protected const URL_PARAMS = [
        'id' => 'integer',
        'id_not_ 'ok_or_ng' => '(ok|ng)',
        'first_name' => [
            'type' => 'string',

    protected const ROUTE = 'user/[id]';
    protected const URL_PARAMS = [
        'id' => 'integer',
        'name' => '?string',

// src/Lib/Foo.php
namespace MyREST\Lib;

class Foo
    private Bar $bar;

    public function __construct(Bar $bar)
        $this->bar = $bar;

    public function getBarString(): string
        return $this->bar->get();

// src/Lib/Bar.php
namespace MyREST\Lib;

class Bar
    public function get(): string
        return 'bar';

// src/Routes/Sample.php

namespace MyREST\Routes;

use MyREST\Lib\Foo;

class Sample extends AbstractRoute
    private Foo $foo;
    public function __construct(Foo $foo)
        $this->foo = $foo;

    public function callback()
        return $this->foo->getBarString();