PHP code example of tendoo / cms

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tendoo/cms library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tendoo / cms example snippets

'disks' => [
  // ...

    'cb-root'       =>  [
        'driver'    =>  'local',
        'root'      =>  base_path()

  // ...

// something before...
protected $middlewareGroups = [
    'web' => [
        // \App\Http\Middleware\EncryptCookies::class, <= should be commended or deleted
        \Tendoo\Core\Http\Middleware\EncryptCookies::class, // <= here
        // other middleware ...

    // something else...
// something after...

'providers' => [
    'users' => [
        'driver' => 'eloquent',
        // 'model' => App\User::class,
        'model' => Tendoo\Core\Models\User::class, // <= the class here

    // 'users' => [
    //     'driver' => 'database',
    //     'table' => 'users',
    // ],

'ip-banner' => [
    'enable'        =>  true,

     * describe what is forbidden
     * on each request processed
    'forbidden'     =>  [

     * if a client makes the same mistake
     * "x" times, his ip will be banned
    'mistakes-threshold'    =>  1,

     * the ip of the client
     * will be recorded
     * on the mentionned htaccess file
    'htaccess-blocking'     =>  false,

    'htaccess-path'         =>  ''

'flood'             =>  [
    'prevent'       =>  false, // should be enabled
    'limit'         =>  30,
    'expiration'    =>  60

use Tendoo\Core\Models\Role;

$role   = new Role;
$role->name   =   __( 'Super Man' );
$role->namespace  = 'superman';
$role->description  = ''; // whatever relevant to describe the role

use Tendoo\Core\Models\Permission;

// ...
$permission   = new Permission;
$permission->name   =   __( 'Fly' );
$permission->namespace  =   'fly';
$permission->description  = ''; // once again whatever could be relevant.

use Tendoo\Core\Models\Role;

// ... 
Role::addPermissions( 'superman', 'fly' );

use Tendoo\Core\Models\Role;

// ...
Role::addPermissions( 'superman', [ 'fly', 'eyelazer', 'frozen.breath' ]);

Role::namespace( 'superman' )
  ->removePermission([ 'fly' ]);

use Tendoo\Core\Models\User;

if ( User::allowedTo( 'snap.infinite.gaunglet' ) ) {
  /// you're not strong enough

// let's register the event first
use Tendoo\Core\Facades\Hook;

Hook::addFilter( 'public.forms', useThis( Event::class )->method( 'forms' ) );
// useThis() .. is a shorthand to write 'Modules\Events\Event@form'

namespace Modules\YourModule\Events;

class Event
  public function forms( $forms, $namespace ) 
    if ( $namespace === 'your-namespace' ) {
      return [
        'title' =>  __( 'Your Form Titlte' ),
        'description' => '', // a description here
        'sections'  =>  [
            'title' =>  '', // section title
            'description' =>  '',
            'fields'  =>  [ // here to register as many field as the section has.
                'label' =>  'Field Name',
                'name'  =>  'field-name',
                'validation'  =>  '

use Tendoo\Core\Facades\Hook;

// ...
Hook::addFilter( 'public.fields', useThis( Event::class )->method( 'fields' ) );

namespace Modules\YourModule\Events;

class Event
  public function fields( $fields, $namespace )
    if ( $namespace === 'your-fields-namespace' ) {
      return [
          'label' =>  __( 'Username' ),
          'name'  =>  'username',
          'validation'  =>  'Your username' ),
          'appearance'  =>  'outline',
          'type'      =>  'password' // to turn the text field into a password field
    return $fields;

use Tendoo\Core\Facades\Hook;

Hook::addFilter( 'register.crud', useThis( CrudEvent::class )->method( 'orderCRUD' ) );

namespace Modules\YourModule\Events;

use Modules\YourModules\Crud\OrdersCRUD;

class CrudEvent
  public function orderCRUD( $namespace )
    if ( $namespace === 'yourmodule.orders' ) {
      return OrdersCRUD::class;

    return $namespace;