PHP code example of telanflow / flysystem-oss

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download telanflow/flysystem-oss library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


telanflow / flysystem-oss example snippets

use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use Telanflow\Flysystem\Oss\OssAdapter;
use Telanflow\Flysystem\Oss\Plugins\FileUrl;

$prefix = ''; // 前缀,非必填
$accessKeyId = 'xxxxxx';
$accessKeySecret = 'xxxxxx';
$endpoint= ''; // ssl:
$bucket = 'bucket';
$isCName = true; // 如果 isCname 为 false,endpoint 应配置 oss 提供的域名如:``,cname 或 cdn 请自行到阿里 oss 后台配置并绑定 bucket

$adapter = new OssAdapter($accessKeyId, $accessKeySecret, $endpoint, $bucket, $isCName, $prefix);

// $adapter->setCdnUrl(''); // 设置cdn url

$flysystem = new Filesystem($adapter);

bool $flysystem->write('', 'contents');

bool $flysystem->write('', '', ['options' => ['xxxxx' => 'application/redirect302']]);

bool $flysystem->writeStream('', fopen('path/to/your/local/file.jpg', 'r'));

bool $flysystem->update('', 'new contents');

bool $flysystem->updateStream('', fopen('path/to/your/local/file.jpg', 'r'));

bool $flysystem->rename('', '');

bool $flysystem->copy('', '');

bool $flysystem->delete('');

bool $flysystem->has('');

string|false $flysystem->read('');

array $flysystem->listContents();

array $flysystem->getMetadata('');

int $flysystem->getSize('');

string $flysystem->getAdapter()->getUrl('');

string $flysystem->getMimetype('');

int $flysystem->getTimestamp('');

use Telanflow\Flysystem\Oss\Plugins\FileUrl;
use Telanflow\Flysystem\Oss\Plugins\SignUrl;
use Telanflow\Flysystem\Oss\Plugins\TemporaryUrl;
use Telanflow\Flysystem\Oss\Plugins\SetBucket;

// 获取 oss 资源访问链接
$flysystem->addPlugin(new FileUrl());

string $flysystem->getUrl('');

// url 访问有效期 & 图片处理「$timeout 为多少秒过期」
$flysystem->addPlugin(new SignUrl());

// 默认GET
string $flysystem->signUrl('', $timeout, ['x-oss-process' => 'image/circle,r_100']);

// PUT方式
string $flysystem->signUrl('', $timeout, ['x-oss-process' => 'image/circle,r_100'],'PUT');

 // url 访问有效期「$expiration 为未来时间 2019-05-05 17:50:32」
$flysystem->addPlugin(new TemporaryUrl());

// 默认GET
string $flysystem->getTemporaryUrl('', $expiration);

// PUT方式
string $flysystem->getTemporaryUrl('', $expiration,[],'PUT');

// 多个bucket切换
$flysystem->addPlugin(new SetBucket());

use Telanflow\Flysystem\Oss\Plugins\Kernel;

$flysystem->addPlugin(new Kernel());
$kernel = $flysystem->kernel();

// 例如:防盗链功能
$refererConfig = new RefererConfig();
// 设置允许空Referer。
// 添加Referer白名单。Referer参数支持通配符星号(*)和问号(?)。

$kernel->putBucketReferer($bucket, $refererConfig);

use Telanflow\Flysystem\Oss\Plugins\SignatureConfig;

$flysystem->addPlugin(new SignatureConfig());

 * 1. 前缀如:'images/'
 * 2. 回调服务器 url
 * 3. 回调自定义参数,oss 回传应用服务器时会带上
 * 4. 当前直传配置链接有效期
 * 5. 文件大小限制
 * 6. 回调系统参数, 默认值: Telanflow\Flysystem\Oss\OssAdapter::SYSTEM_FIELD
object $flysystem->signatureConfig($prefix = '/', $callBackUrl = '', $customData = [], $expire = 30, $maxSize = 1024 * 1024 * 2, $systemData = ['etag' => '${etag}', 'filename' => '${object}']);

use Telanflow\Flysystem\Oss\Plugins\Verify;

$flysystem->addPlugin(new Verify());

list($verify, $data) = $flysystem->verify();
// [$verify, $data] = $flysystem->verify(); // php 7.1 +

if (!$verify) {
    // 验证失败处理,此时 $data 为验签失败提示信息

// 注意一定要返回 json 格式的字符串,因为 oss 服务器只接收 json 格式,否则给前端报 CallbackFailed
header("Content-Type: application/json");
echo  json_encode($data);