PHP code example of tecsvit / yii2-mailer

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tecsvit/yii2-mailer library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tecsvit / yii2-mailer example snippets

'components' => [
        'mailer' => [
            'class' => '\tecsvit\mailer\components\Mailer',
            'useFileTransport'      => false,
            'defaultTemplates'      => [
                'YOUR_NAME_TEMPLATE'   => [
                    'subject'       => 'Your_mail_subject',
                    'template'      => 'Your_template_filename',
                    'senderMail'    => 'Sender_Email',
                    'senderName'    => 'Sender_Name',
            'transport' => [
                'class'         => 'Swift_SmtpTransport',
                'host'          => 'your_host',
                'username'      => 'your_username',
                'password'      => 'your_pass',
                'port'          => 'your_port',
                'encryption'    => 'your_encryption',

'components' => [
        'mailer' => [
            'class' => '\tecsvit\mailer\components\Mailer',
            'useFileTransport'      => false,
            'defaultTemplates'      => [
                'confirmPassword'   => [
                    'subject'       => 'Hi',
                    'template'      => 'confirmPassword.php',
                    'senderMail'    => '[email protected]',
                    'senderName'    => 'Admin',
                'subscribe'   => [
                    'subject'       => 'Hi2',
                    'template'      => 'subscribe.php',
                    'senderMail'    => '[email protected]',
                    'senderName'    => 'Manager',
            'transport' => [
                'class'         => 'Swift_SmtpTransport',
                'host'          => '',
                'username'      => '[email protected]',
                'password'      => '4565456464',
                'port'          => '587',
                'encryption'    => 'tls',

<strong>Confirm Your Mail</strong>
	For confirm your mail click on link: <a href="<?= $hash 

    $toMail = '[email protected]';
    $data = ['hash' => $hash];
    /** @var \tecsvit\mailer\components\Mailer $mailer */
    $mailer = Yii::$app->mailer;
    $mailer->sendMail($toMail, $data, 'confirmPassword');
php composer.phar