PHP code example of tecksolke-tpay / app-api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download tecksolke-tpay/app-api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


tecksolke-tpay / app-api example snippets

# run for auto discovery <-- If the package is not detected automatically -->
composer dump-autoload

# run this to get the configuartion file at config/tpay.php <-- read through it -->
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="TPay\API\TPayServiceProvider"

# or

# TP4*****82F <-- keep this key secret -->

# <-- keep this code secret -->

# 60 <-- The access token session lifetime is in minutes i.e 60 minutes --> ->default(58 minutes);

# 120 <-- Response timeout 120 seconds -->
# This is not a must you may choose to use the dafault value defined in the config/tpay.php;

# 60 <-- Connection timeout 60 seconds -->
# This is not a must you may choose to use the dafault value defined in the config/tpay.php;

        * ---------------------------------
        *  Requesting app balance [ GET Request  ]
        * ---------------------------------
        * @throws Exception
       use TPay\API\API\AppBalances;
       public function appBalance() {
           try {
               //Set request options as shown here
               $options = [
                   'secretCode' => '',//This has to be your app T_PAY_APP_SECRET_CODE
               //make request here
               $response = (new AppBalances())->appBalances($options);
               //continue with what you what to do with the $response here
           } catch (Exception $exception) {
               //TODO If an exception occurs

         * ------------------
         * Express Payment [ POST Request ]
         * -----------------
         * This is used to directly get payment from
         * a client account to your application
        use TPay\API\API\ExpressPayment;
        public function expressPayment() {
            try {
                $options = [
                    'referenceCode' => '',//Unique referenceCode i.e TPXXXXX
                    'redirectURL' => '',//This is the URL that the user will be redirect after payment
                    'resultURL' => '',//This is the url that will receive the response data after successful payment. Note that this has to be a post callback so remember to use post in your callback.
                    'amount' => 1,//amount to be paid 
                //make the request here
                $response = (new ExpressPayment())->expressPayment($options);
                //proceed with the response
            } catch (Exception $exception) {
                //TODO If an exception occurs

        * ------------------------------------
        * Making app stk push request for c2b  [ POS Request ]
        * ------------------------------------
       use TPay\API\API\AppC2BSTKPush;
       public function appC2BSTKPush() {
           try {
               //Set request options as shown here
               $options = [
                   'secretCode' => '',//This has to be your app T_PAY_APP_SECRET_CODE
                   'phoneNumber' => '',//The phone number has to be 2547xxxxxxx
                   'referenceCode' => '',//The secret code should be unique in every request you send and must start with TPXXXX
                   'amount' => 1,//Amount has to be an integer and less than or equal to KES 70000
                   'resultURL' => '',//This has to be your callback i.e https://mydomain/callback or http://mydomain/callback. Also note that this has to be a post callback so remember to use post in your callback.
               //make the c2b stk push here
               $response = (new AppC2BSTKPush())->appC2BSTKPush($options);
               //continue with what you what to do with the $response here
           } catch (\Exception $exception) {
               //TODO If an exception occurs
        * ------------------------------------
        * Making app withdraw request for b2c  [ POST Request ]
        * ------------------------------------
       use TPay\API\API\AppB2C;
       public function appB2C() {
           try {
               //Set request options as shown here
               $options = [
                   'secretCode' => '',//This has to be your app T_PAY_APP_SECRET_CODE
                   'phoneNumber' => '',//The phone number has to be 2547xxxxxxx
                   'referenceCode' => '',//The secret code should be unique in every request you send and must start with TPXXXX
                   'amount' => 1,//Amount has to be an integer and has to be greater than KES 10
                   'resultURL' => '',//This has to be your callback i.e https://mydomain/callback or http://mydomain/callback. Also note that this has to be a post callback so remember to use post in your callback.
               //make the b2c withdraw here
               $response = (new AppB2C())->appB2C($options);
               //continue with what you what to do with the $response here
           } catch (\Exception $exception) {
               //TODO If an exception occurs

    "amount":1,//This will be the amount paid to your application
    "referenceCode":"TP0******6F7"//This the reference code you used to make your request

        "appName":"",//Your App Name
        "referenceCode":"",//This will be your reference Code that you used to make the request
        "receiver":"",//The number that receives the payment
        "transactionID":"",//Unique transaction ID
        "amount"://The amount withdrawn

        "appName":"",//Your App Name
        "referenceCode":"",//This will be your reference Code that you used to make the request

         "appName":"",//Your App Name
         "referenceCode":"",//This will be your reference Code that you used to make the request
         "phoneNumber":"",//The number that makes the payment
         "transactionID":"",//Unique transaction ID
         "amount"://The amount deposited/Paid

        "appName":"",//Your App Name
        "referenceCode":"",//This will be your reference Code that you used to make the request