1. Go to this page and download the library: Download techouse/intl-date-time library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
techouse / intl-date-time example snippets
namespace App\Nova;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Techouse\IntlDateTime\IntlDateTime as DateTime;
class User extends Resource
* This is how you use and configure this module
public function fields(Request $request)
return [
DateTime::make(__('Updated at'), 'updated_at')
* The module automatically uses your app's locale
* from config('app.locale'), however you can manually
* override this by setting it like this.
* IMPORTANT: Check the list of supported locales below in this readme!
* NOTE: If the automatic locale is not supported by MomentJS
* the module defaults to 'en-gb' (British English).
DateTime::make(__('Created at'), 'created_at')
* You can optionally set a custom DATE format.
* It has to be compatible with MomentJS!!!
* https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
DateTime::make(__('Deleted at'), 'deleted_at')
* You can optionally set a custom TIME format
* It has to be compatible with MomentJS!!!
* https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
DateTime::make(__('Packaged on'), 'packaged_on')
* You can optionally set a placeholder, otherwise
* it will default to your timezone's date format
DateTime::make(__('Shipped on'), 'shipped_on')
* You can disable the placeholder by setting it to false
DateTime::make(__('Birthday'), 'birthday')
* You can override the default date invalid error message
->errorMessage("I don't think you were born on that day mate :D"),
DateTime::make(__('Day of graduation'), 'graduated_on')
* Unless you override the error message locale it equals the locale setting
DateTime::make(__('Takes place at'), 'takes_place_at')
* Set a minimum/earliest date (inclusively) allowed for selection.
* Set a maximum/latest date (inclusively) allowed for selection.
DateTime::make(__('Day you got married'), 'day_you_got_married')
* Hide the user time zone next to the form input field.
DateTime::make(__('Date of travel'), 'date_of_travel')
* Display shortcut buttons for "yesterday", "today" and "tomorrow".
* Translate them in your language's JSON file located in resources/lang/vendor/nova.
DateTime::make(__('Time of arrival'), 'time_of_arrival')
* Shortcut for displaying the full locale time, e.g. HH:mm:ss.
* NOTE: The timeFormat option has precedence over withTime.
DateTime::make(__('Time of reservation'), 'time_of_reservation')
* Shortcut for displaying the short locale time, e.g. HH:mm.
* NOTE: The timeFormat option has precedence over withTimeShort.
DateTime::make(__('Time of reservation'), 'deleted_at')
* Set default hour of time selector
DateTime::make(__('Time of reservation'), 'uploaded_at')
* Set default minute of time selector
* The rest of the Resource ... bla bla bla :)
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