PHP code example of techotaku / wechat-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download techotaku/wechat-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


techotaku / wechat-sdk example snippets

define('TOKEN', ''); // 微信通信令牌,在公众平台管理后台设置
define('DEBUG', TRUE); // 调试模式开关,指示是否将错误信息通过文本消息回复(如果可能)。
$wechat = new \Wechat(TOKEN, DEBUG);

   * 微信公众平台传入消息类
   * 包含传入消息类型常量定义
  class WechatRequest {
    const text = 'text';
    const image = 'image';
    const location = 'location';
    const link = 'link';
    const subscribe = 'subscribe';
    const voice = 'voice';
    const unsubscribe = 'unsubscribe';
    const unknown = 'unknown';

     * 回复消息
     * @param  string  $type     消息类型,在类WechatResponse中定义
     * @param  string  $params   消息参数,与消息类型相关:
     *     WechatResponse::text  文本消息  $params为消息内容
     *         $params                        消息文本
     *     WechatResponse::news  图文消息  $params为数组
     *         $params                        由单条图文消息类型 WechatNewsResponseItem 组成的数组
     *     WechatResponse::music 音乐消息  $params为关联数组
     *         $params['title']
     *         $params['description']
     *         $params['musicUrl']
     *         $params['hqMusicUrl']
     * @return void
    public function sendResponse($type, $params)

$array = array(
            new WechatNewsResponseItem('图文消息标题', '图文消息说明', '图片地址', '点击转向的链接'),
            new WechatNewsResponseItem('图文消息标题', '图文消息说明', '图片地址', '点击转向的链接')