PHP code example of teamteatime / laravel-filer

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download teamteatime/laravel-filer library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


teamteatime / laravel-filer example snippets


class ... extends Eloquent {
    use \TeamTeaTime\Filer\HasAttachments;

$user->attach('avatars/1.jpg'); // path relative to your configured storage directory

$photo = Request::file('photo')->move($destinationPath);


$user->attach('uploads/avatars/1.jpg', ['key' => 'avatar']);

$article->attach($pdf, ['title' => "Event 2015 Guide", 'description' => "The complete guide for this year's event."]);

$user->attach($photo, ['user_id' => $user->id]);

$article->attach($pdf, ['user_id' => null]);



$avatar = $user->findAttachmentByKey('avatar');
$avatar->getUrl();          // the URL to the file (see below)
$avatar->getDownloadUrl();  // the download URL to the file (see below)
$avatar->title;             // the attachment title, if any
$avatar->description;       // the attachment description, if any

// If the attachment is a LocalFile...
$avatar->item->filename;    // the filename, with its extension
$avatar->item->path;        // the path to the directory where the file exists
$avatar->item->mimetype;    // the file's detected MIME type
$avatar->item->size;        // the file size, in bytes
$avatar->item->getFile();   // the Symfony File representation of the file
$avatar->item->hash;        // the unique hash generated for the file (if filer.hash_routes is enabled)

route('filer.file.view', $fileId);

route('', $fileId)