PHP code example of teamdigivotion / format

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download teamdigivotion/format library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


teamdigivotion / format example snippets

 use Fleshgrinder\Core\Formatter;

assert(Formatter::format('Hello, {}!', ['World'])    === 'Hello, World!');
assert(Formatter::format('The number is {}', [1000]) === 'The number is 1,000');
assert(Formatter::format('{}', [[1, 2, 3]])          === '1, 2, 3');
assert(Formatter::format('{value}', ['value' => 42]) === '42');
assert(Formatter::format('{} {}', [1, 2])            === '1 2');
assert(Formatter::format('{.3}', [0.123456789])      === '0.123');
assert(Formatter::format('{.2:and}', [[1, 2, 3]])    === '1.00, 2.00, and 3.00');
assert(Formatter::format('{#b}', [2])                === '0b10');
assert(Formatter::format('{:?}', [tmpfile()])        === 'stream resource');

 use Fleshgrinder\Core\Formatter;

assert(Formatter::format('{1} {} {0} {}', [1, 2]) === '2 1 1 2');

 use Fleshgrinder\Core\Formatter;

assert(Formatter::format('{placeholder}', ['placeholder' => 'test'])        === 'test');
assert(Formatter::format('{placeholder} {}', ['placeholder' => 2, 1])       === '2 1');
assert(Formatter::format('{a} {c} {b}', ['a' => 'a', 'b' => 'b', 'c' => 3]) === 'a 3 b');

 use Fleshgrinder\Core\Formatter;
use Fleshgrinder\Core\Formatter\MissingPlaceholderException;

try {
    Formatter::format('{}', []);
catch (MissingPlaceholderException $e) {
    assert($e->getMessage() === 'Placeholder `0` missing from arguments, got empty array');

 use Fleshgrinder\Core\Formatter;

assert(Formatter::format('{a} {a} {a}', ['a' => 'foo']) === 'foo foo foo');

 use Fleshgrinder\Core\Formatter;

assert(Formatter::format('{:?}', [])             === 'void');
assert(Formatter::format('{:?}', [[]])           === 'array');
assert(Formatter::format('{:?}', [true])         === 'boolean');
assert(Formatter::format('{:?}', [false])        === 'boolean');
assert(Formatter::format('{:?}', [1.2])          === 'float');
assert(Formatter::format('{:?}', [1])            === 'integer');
assert(Formatter::format('{:?}', [null])         === 'null');
assert(Formatter::format('{:?}', [new stdClass]) === 'stdClass');
assert(Formatter::format('{:?}', [new DateTime]) === 'DateTime');
assert(Formatter::format('{:?}', [tmpfile()])    === 'stream resource');
assert(Formatter::format('{:?}', [''])           === 'string');

 use Fleshgrinder\Core\{Formatter, Value};

        'Expected argument of type {expected}, got {actual:?}',
        ['expected' => Value::TYPE_ARRAY, 'actual' => '']
    ) === 'Expected argument of type array, got string'

 use Fleshgrinder\Core\{Formatter, Value};

$r = tmpfile();

assert(Value::getType($r)              === 'resource');
assert(Formatter::format('{:?}', [$r]) === 'stream resource');

 namespace Fleshgrinder\Examples;

use Fleshgrinder\Core\Formatter;

class Stringable { function __toString() { return ''; } }

assert(Formatter::format('{}', ['']) === 'empty string');
assert(Formatter::format('{}', [new Stringable]) === 'empty Fleshgrinder\Examples\Stringable');

 use Fleshgrinder\Core\Formatter;

assert(Formatter::format('{#c}', ["\0\n"]) === '^@^J');
assert(Formatter::format('{#p}', ["\0\n"]) === '␀␊');

 use Fleshgrinder\Core\Formatter;

assert(Formatter::format('{.3}', [1.23456])   === '1.235');
assert(Formatter::format('$ {.2}', [9999.99]) === '$ 9,999.99');
assert(Formatter::format('{0.3}', [1.2345])   === '1.235');
assert(Formatter::format('{a.2}', ['a' => 1]) === '1.00');

 use Fleshgrinder\Core\Formatter;

assert(Formatter::format('{#b}', [2])           === '0b10');
assert(Formatter::format('{#e}', [0.123456789]) === '1.234568e-1');
assert(Formatter::format('{#o}', [493])         === '0o755');
assert(Formatter::format('{#x}', [42])          === '0x2A');

 use Fleshgrinder\Core\Formatter;

assert(Formatter::format('{}', [[]])                 === 'empty array');
assert(Formatter::format('{}', [new ArrayIterator])  === 'empty ArrayIterator');
assert(Formatter::format('{}', [['a']])              === 'a');
assert(Formatter::format('{}', [['a', 'b']])         === 'a, b');
assert(Formatter::format('{}', [['a', 'b', 'c']])    === 'a, b, c');
assert(Formatter::format('{:and}', [['a', 'b']])     === 'a and b');
assert(Formatter::format('{:or}', [['a', 'b', 'c']]) === 'a, b, or c');

 use Fleshgrinder\Core\Formatter;

try {
    $expected = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
    $actual   = 'x';

    if (in_array($actual, $expected, true) === false) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException(Formatter::format(
            'Value must be one of {expected:or}, got {actual}',
            ['expected' => $expected, 'actual' => $actual]
catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
    assert($e->getMessage() === 'Value must be one of a, b, or c, got x');

 use Fleshgrinder\Core\Formatter;

assert(Formatter::format('{.1:and}', [[0, 1, 2]])   === '0.0, 1.0, and 2.0');
assert(Formatter::format('{#b:and}', [[0, 1, 2]])   === '0b0, 0b1, and 0b10');
assert(Formatter::format('{#o:and}', [[7, 8, 9]])   === '0o7, 0o10, and 0o11');
assert(Formatter::format('{#x:and}', [[9, 10, 11]]) === '0x9, 0xA, and 0xB');

 use Fleshgrinder\Core\Formatter;

assert(Formatter::format('{}', [[0, [1, 2], 3]]) === '0, 1, 2, 3');

 use Fleshgrinder\Core\Formatter;

$pattern = 'This is always printed[, and this is printed only if {this_argument}? is non-empty]';

    Formatter::format($pattern, ['this_argument' => ''])
    === 'This is always printed'

    Formatter::format($pattern, ['this_argument' => 'this argument'])
    === 'This is always printed, and this is printed only if this argument is non-empty'

>  use Fleshgrinder\Core\Formatter;
> assert(Formatter::format('[{}?]', ['foobar']) === '');

 use Fleshgrinder\Core\Formatter;

assert(Formatter::format('[[{.1}, {.1}]]', [0, 1])     === '[0.0, 1.0]');
assert(Formatter::format('{:con}}junction}', [[0, 1]]) === '0 con}junction 1');